HanesMinistries #OneDayCloser #Rapture #JesusSaves #Harpazo #WackPack Feel free to email your prayer requests to: …



    Ezekiel 33:6
    But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

    Bible prophecy is converging and flying off the pages from the Bible! Just as a rosebush buds and blooms into a beautiful bunch of roses, such has been the budding of prophetic signs since the nation of Israel was reborn as a nation on May 14 1948 and the budding prophetic signs blomming into a convergence that has us so eagerly awaiting Titus 2:13 anyday now!

    The Bible foretells many signs that would culminate in the last days. Jesus indicated these signs would arise together as His return drew near (Matthew 24:33-34). Though many of these prophecies won’t climax until the tribulation period, our generation is the first to see every trend in place. As the final seconds of this age tick away, these events playing out like a symphony have come into even clearer focus. Keep in mind as you read through this list that these prophecies were penned over 2000 years ago! 

    1.SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 66:8. The miraculous rebirth of Israel as a nation! 
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Just as Isaiah 66:8 says, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation in “one day.” This sign alone tells us we live in the last days before Jesus’ return to earth.

    2.SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 17, The destruction of Damascus!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Recent events suggest it may be a preemptive strike by Israel necessary for her survival.

    3.SCRIPTURE: Wars and rumors of wars, pestilences (Matthew 24:6-7)! 
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: While the world remains distracted by COVID-19, tensions keep escalating in the Middle East. Israel has inflicted heavy damage on Iranian military installations in Syria in recent weeks. Iran continues to promise the world that it will soon wipe Israel off the map!

    4.SCRIPTURE: The 3rd Temple Matthew 24:15! Jesus said the Antichrist would someday defile a temple in Israel just as Daniel prophesied (9:27).
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY:  There is a growing excitement in the Middle East right now, thanks to the Abraham Accords, for a rebuilt Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount.

    5.SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 28:37 The rise of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Christian fervor!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY:  Pope Francis stated that fundamentalist christians are a “scourge”.

    6.SCRIPTURE: The battle of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38-39)!  
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY:  The nations of the Middle East are aligned precisely as the prophet said they would be over 2,600 years ago.

    SCRIPTURE: Zechariah 12: 1-3 Jerusalem will be a cup of trembling!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: The words Peace and Safety have been resounding over the last 3 years ever since President Trump first revealed his DEAL OF THE CENTURY! Well over the last couple of months the echo, the decibels to those words have just gotten louder…significantly louder! To the believer its an indicator of the Final Hour that we are in as 1 Thessalonians 5:3 clearly tells us! 

    7.SCRIPTURE: Mockers and Scoffers (2 Peter 3:1-10)!          
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: We live in a day when even believers ridicule the rapture, The mocking of our beliefs in a rapture and premillennial return of Jesus is prevalent both inside and outside the church.

    8.SCRIPTURE: The world now has the capability via computers, Artificial Intelligence, and gigantic data bases to control buying and selling on a worldwide scale, just as Revelation 13:16-17 says the antichrist will do in the tribulation!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY:  Since the onset of COVID-19, the willingness of people in the United States to surrender their rights and freedoms has astounded me. Many blindly follow unconstitutional restrictions without protest or any resistance whatsoever. This has been a successful test run for the globalists. The elite have learned that with a world crisis and control of the media, many people will unwittingly submit to whatever the government tells them with little or no resistance as long as it’s for the “common good.”

    9.SCRIPTURE: Earthquakes Matthew 24:7!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Creation is groaning! An earthquake survey revealed that the number is 3 times over!

    10.SCRIPTURE: Revelation 13: 2-4, 7 Pope Francis openly and repeatedly calls for a one-world religion, as well as for a one-world government to combat climate change!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: . Pope Francis is calling for an end to capitalism and a worldwide implementation of socialism. He’s just picked up the World Economic Forum’s socialist-collectivist “Great Reset” playbook and moved it just a little bit more down the road.

    11.SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:6,7 Revelation 17:12-13!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: The engineers of the “plandemic” recognized that new technology is often resisted by the masses, but could be adopted swiftly due to a public health crisis. Now they have their ‘created crisis’ and are not going to let it go to waste!

    12.SCRIPTURE:  Revelation 17:12-13, Daniel 7:7-9, A one world army!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: The idea of the D10 is keeping in view regarding Bible prophecy because it would be led by ten world leaders, as the G7 is now.

    13.SCRIPTURE: Revelation 13:16-17, A one world currency!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: For an authoritarian government to have complete control over every financial transaction Central Banks will begin consolidating and eventually it will only be one! Twenty four world leaders have signed a letter calling for more globalism to combat future pandemics!

    14.SCRIPTURE: The Parable of the Fig tree (Matthew 24:32-34)!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Over five million Jews have returned to Israel in recent times! This is unprecedented in human history.

    15.SCRIPTURE: The generation that shall not pass (Matthew 24:32-34)!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: We are the generation that are seeing all these signs come to pass. 

    16.SCRIPTURE: Peace and safety 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Parted my land Joel 3:1-2, Covenant with Abram Genesis 15:18!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Do any of the recent peace agreements qualify as the Daniel 9:27 treaty? It most likely is a precursor as the Daniel 9:27 treaty is a covenant made “with many” and that’s exactly what we are seeing! Remember, the Bible doesn’t say the Antichrist will “create” a covenant with Israel, it says he will “confirm” 
    a covenant “with many” (Daniel 9:27). So the recent Israeli peace agreements may well be the foundation for Israel’s treaty with the Antichrist!

    17.SCRIPTURE: Increase in birth pangs Matthew 24:8!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: As we know birth pains particularly towards the end don’t decrease in frequency or severity. The rate of change is absolutely stunning. There has been an unrelenting push in “Prophetic Contractions” 
    ever so increasing by the minute in frequency and intensity! Matthew 24:7 explicity tells us about earthquakes. Creation is groaning!

    18.SCRIPTURE: The exponential increase in wickedness 2 Timothy 3:1-5!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: There has been a decay in culture with children in school being read stories to during “Drag queen story hour” and this drag queen story hour is deeply rooted in occultism! 

    19.SCRIPTURE: As in the days of Noah and Lot Matthew 24:37-39!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Homosexuality would be flaunted at the end of the age. Jesus warned that the last days would be like the days of Lot who lived in wicked Sodom (Luke 17:28-30).

    20.SCRIPTURE: The Mystery of Lawlessness 2 Thessalonians 2:7!
    CURRENTLY IN PLAY: Paul refers to the antichrist as the “the man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Right now we see the spirit of the antichrist surging throughout the United States as the anarchists destroy property and ruin the lives of thousands of people of all races. Something very important to point out here is that before the “Lawless One” makes his grand appearance the earth has to be conditioned for his arrival and that is done with the “Spirit of Lawlessness” that will be unleashed to prepare the way for the Antichrist. This is clearly seen above in the passage written by the Apostle Paul where he states “The mystery of lawlessness is already at work”. I believe the enemy is working overtime in this final hour to unleash lawlessness to fill the earth to prepare the way for the Antichrist to make his grand appearance!

    How much longer can it be before Jesus returns to take us to the place He’s preparing for us? If the tribulation seems so close, that means that rapture is even nearer!

    Here is the article on my website….WHEN THESE THINGS BEGIN TO HAPPEN! https://www.rapturecountdown.com/when-these-things-begin-to-happen-the-top-20-signs-in-eschatology-and-convergence-in-biblical-prophecies/

    God bless
    Watchman in the wilderness

  2. Thank you so very much for sharing this!! Glory to God! Will see you guys any second & can’t wait to meet you two beautiful saints!!
    Much much love & prayers & blessings 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻. WFS

  3. The waters will be as high as the walls of Jerusalem the Bible says New York City Jesus is coming Jesus is coming soon waking me up at 555 every morning on the dock but today I saw the number for for for for which means watchmen the tower a castle watchmen expose in the enemy 4444

  4. I too have had these visions. I’m just a housewife and I started getting them Out of nowhere. Destruction like we’ve never seen 😳 but Jesus stepped in every time and raptured, He loves His bride like no other. I have no fear 🙌🏼 ☁️ almost that time!💜

  5. Praying 4444 loved ones. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭🤯Shane kindall Sean Chelsea Luis Chris lisa Dave Becky Jimmy J please do not leave them behind encounters in tonight please Holy Spirit we lift up our loved ones!

  6. Oh,ok, well Kim Clement died in 2016,but as he prophecies the month,and seems the date,he did not say what year.And as things unfold,it looks like this year..Amir always says that's why Ameruca is not mentioned in the Bible,but again,that's debatible like Mystery Babylon,or Babylon the Great gas fallen,the statue if liberty was fashioned after the artist's prostitute,and Aneruca is the melting pot of many people from.many nations with thier own languages which in a way,the babbling on tongues.It will all be revealed to us in Gods Kingdom.We just need to keep ahild of His Hand,praise the Lord..

  7. LUV that hand in the sky!!! I've had some end days dreams and visions in the past, and a few days ago I had a dream like I've never had before: about bombs and missiles falling close to me! I live near the west coast of the United States. In the dream, I wasn't hurt at all. I believe that real, real soon, we'll be outta here in the Rapture, and then the U.S. will be attacked.

  8. Firstly, love you guys, secondly WOW. Must admit Pastor Steve my heart aches for America and Americans for what is in their future and also for Israel and her futiure. (I can see that A A Allen vision can apply to both countries.) I've always thought Babylon was Rome but not anymore, it's America where so many brilliant and God fearing preachers were and are from. It's definitely not good, bit down for what lies ahead for those who will be left behind. I know that the great tribulation is a global judgment for the whole world but it looks like America is toast and Israel is a close second. BUT GOD is in CONTROL and He always will save His own, always have a remanent. So thankful that Jesus saves us His Bride and takes us to heaven to be with Him forever .

  9. When that dreadful day comes, we will stand at a distance and see the destruction of the wicked. We will not have to run for cover or hide. For we believe in the Most High God who is in our midst protecting us from this wrath that will come upon the earth. We are completely sealed and protected. We will see the wicked run to and fro for cover and fall but we, dear saints will stand firm with boots on the ground knowing our redemption draweth nigh. We are untouched, unscathed and completely protected because we have believed and trusted in our Savior Jesus Christ who will call all His angels to rescue us. Let me run Heavenly Father the last leg of the race, this last test of faith knowing YOU all mighty God will be right there even though it looks like hell on earth. You are there at the finish line cheering your saints on to that glorious finish line with arms wide open welcoming your sons and daughters to heaven. God bless you Hanes family and God bless everyone here as God continues to pour out more and more of His Spirit upon us to the full with joy knowing our Savior is at the door about to rescue the saints. With love from Scotland UK.

  10. https://youtu.be/HyXsS0pgvRI
    A great video about the signs of the Rapture through numbers. I am not really good at deciphering the meaning of numbers in the Bible but other's are gifted that way. The day IS ALMOST OVER.
    Here was my day 🥊🙏🙏🥊🥊🥊🙏🙏🙏🙏🥊🥊🥊🥊🙏🙏🥊🥊🥊🙏🥊🙏🥊🙏🥊🙏🥊🙏🥊 the enemy was very busy trying to disrupt my peace. So if this is happening to me I cannot imagine how your day went. It is My Faith in Jesus Christ that keeps my feet steady and my Soul and Spirit calm. I can't wait to meet all of you who pray for me. How exciting that will be to be around people who love Jesus as much as you do all the time for all Eternity.

  11. Absolute bullseye 🎯 Thank You Both for speaking our Lord’s Truth in His Mighty Love that NEVER Fails. This totally bore witness with my spirit 👍♥️✝️🩸😇🙏🙏🙏⬆️🌪🔥💨🌈😇

  12. I had a dream of my father talking to me on a mountain top, he said Look Up and I saw the stars so bright they looked like little moons. Impossibly bright in a very dark sky and as I looked behind me the sun was rising…also impossible. Look up. Supper is almost ready. That's the message of that dream, I will see my father again soon. I didn't see him in the dream.

  13. We won't see the destruction of America. We are one nation under God. When America falls, we get evacuated. This country will no longer be under God's protection and it will fall quickly… probably in one hour?

  14. Get right with God friends, don't wait another day! About 500 prophecies fulfilled hundreds and thousands of years in advance prove the Bible is God's word. Believe and repent, Romans 10:9-10!

  15. I was a complete hypocrite, willfully sinning while going to Church for 50 years. I did every religious thing that the Church had to offer. 1st John 3:9 – 10 said I was a child of the devil, bEC I continue to sin; it scared the Hell right out of me 4.5 years ago when I was about to commit suicide. I found out it only takes 8 Hours to Listen to this Dramatized New Testament Bible. The Truth completely set me free from ALL anger, bitterness, depression, drugs, fear, greed, insecurities, jealousy, loneliness, pornography, rejection, stress, unforgiveness, worried, Etc…

  16. Amen, thank you .
    Psalm 32:5

    King James Version

    5 I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

  17. Wow the timing is very interesting. Just a day before your video I published my short US rapture and tribulation dreams on my channel. And there is another channel she spoke about the same things.

  18. Hello,
    because of the many dreams I had regarding our future, I wanted to share a thought with you to give you a small peek what we can do in the future:
    Mark 12:25
    “For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.”
    Question:What can angels do?
    Pssst….they can fly:-)
    PS:I know what Mark 12:25 is about,but I think you get my point;-).

  19. could everyone please pray this verse out loud today?
    Thy dead in Christ shall live
    Together with my dead body shall you arise
    Arise, awake and sing together with me
    For your dew is like the dew of herbs
    And the earth shall cast out her slain
    Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. – Isa 26:19 KJV
    actually please keep praying that verse every day until we leave.

  20. Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement and the joy you bring through God's word. I never thought I would see the things I'm seeing in these last days. Love and Prayers to both of you as we watch for our Savior Jesus Christ. Maranatha.

  21. May God draw more lost sheep to Him in these last days. May God's mercy and compassion save more souls because God didnt want one single soul to perish. He loved everyone from the beginning, even when they departed from Him. His heart weeped for all His children. Praise our Lord, for His loving kindness endures forever. Thank you for narrating these amazing visions. Babylon will be destroyed indeed, but may God save as many lost sheep as possible. The devil doesnt deserve to steal God's creation using lies and deceit. God bless! Amen✝✡🕎


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