Please like, share, and subscribe Get ready for a year like none other. Discover what the Spirit is saying to the Church with …


  1. Please see Rabbi Sneider and wife Cindy world outreach center Toledo Ohio! Jan 6th and 7th If you receive a blessing from him please get one for me I want to go so much it’s just so far away

  2. This is definitely the year of exposure
    Lord please cleanse and remove anything from me that is unlike Christ
    Have your way in my life daily
    Make and mold me to be the person you would have us all to be
    In Jesus name amen
    Even so come lord jesus

  3. Exactly how will this year be different from other years? Aren't all years a little different from the previous ones? I apologize if I sound skeptical, I'm just weary of hearing generalized proclamations or "prophecies" being spoken by some preachers such as "year of wealth" or "year of harvest" without any way of verifying that they have come true. In my opinion things spoken in this message are things Christians should keep in mind all the time, not just going into the new year.

  4. Makes me realize I need to look at my heart & see where my heart is. I need intimacy w/God!!! I can do nothing w/out Him. I can’t remain the same to do the will of God. Great message & appreciate the speaking of the truth.

  5. Thanks for this much needed message Pastor Pears. May we (Christians) die to self so that the life of Jesus Christ our Lord will be seen in our lives, and bring glory to God and life to others.

  6. Heavenly Father Almighty God forgive me . I repent my sin that forgot my first love .But I learn very hard way . Thanks for this message God bless you and be with you and Your family Amen.

  7. Oh ..the world needs this message. So many loss their way worshipping a president and q …Lord take Your Church back!!! Bless this message to the multitude in Jesus name 🙏🏼🙌👑🔥✍️bless you sir for being so real and spot on!!

  8. Yes intimacy is where we begin our walk in Him, Jn 17:3, it where godly character is forged in us, 2 Pt 1:2-11, and where we find purpose & destiny for our lives, Mk 1:35-39. The great apostle Paul expressed his greatest desire was to know Him intimately when he penned a letter to the Philippian believers by the inspiration of the Spirit of the Lord, Phil 3:8-16.

    That it's the only truly truth "JESUS IN US IN HIS ALLMIGHTY PRECENSE"!!! Be with all BLESSINGS, Eph. 1, 3……. from sister Ingeborg Beutler-Gerdwilker, from Switzland to embrace you!

  10. And all things are of God, who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and has given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
    2 Corinthians 3:17
    Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

    (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

  11. Thank you so much preacher, our wonderful God is doing such fantastic things in our lives…wer'e standing in awe…HE IS67 AN AWESOME FAITHFUL GOD! LOVE HIM SOOOO. BLESSINGS…SOUTH AFRICA

  12. Every message is like God has it just for me,as I relate to them All,the anointing is ministering to the Very core of my being, God have your way… God truly bless you Servant of God 🙏🏾🩸🌈

  13. Fast, Fast, Fast, and Fast some More and Pray that God clean out your heart, purify your motives, and Gut you like a fish in the Mighty Name of Jesus. AMEN.


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