Let’s Talk About Christian Dating Boundaries If you are serious about putting God first in your relationship and honoring him with …


  1. Oh shit🀣🀣🀣 get it on live ..
    Get real its like buying a car without test driving it ? You got to know how it feels runs give it a good drive .. It might be not what you thought it was might be beat up not running right doesn't fit right not your thing what a up garde .. Sex is normal . no sex be a man πŸ˜ƒ you need to release the load its healthy its proven if you do not get it out could cause health problems prostate cancer
    Depression .. What a joke what a cult brain washing crap .. Half the people go to church are recovering addicts sex addicts murders ect.. Shit . imaging waiting to get married and find out your partner has herpes aids std are just nasty beat up 🀣🀣🀣🀣 what a bunch of fake ass people heres one for you how about there's no god or devil and we just die its over done we are put on this planet to breed make babies so they can carry on the work force keep the $$$$ and world going ..and then think of all the time you wasted not doing what you want to really do πŸ˜ƒ suckers look if a woman wants to have sex with you its all good now if she doesn't then yes thats very wrong but if you both care for each other get over it and go for it
    Stop with all this old school rules that half the Christians do not do any ways
    Its ok to drink ? Well if not i sure do see alot of you doing it .. Its wrong to have feelings towards another person bad bad your going to burn in hell 😝😝😝😝 shut it right there .. Fake Fake plus its funny how a lot of you all go to church just to make people think your so great cover up cover up big time so many bad fake people using this as a way to get money and so much other twisted things ..FAKE .. And the crap they tell you not to do half of them are doing it behind closed doors and more then just sex …wake up .shut up and get it up ..live

  2. You are missing the whole point that God created for relationships …. no wonder most Christians do NOT have dinamic and successful relationships!! Please go and study Song of Songs and all so read Proverbes 5:18 Do you know what Boas and Ruth did when they met that night behind the haystack? Yes ALL answers for a dinamic relationship is in the BIBLE and do not confuse the facts in the Bible with weird ideas and opinions of people who really do NOT know what they are talking about Dr Theunissen

  3. Thank you for this.. Honor God, allow the Grace of God's intentions for you to get to know your potential husband or wife, while honoring God. In my circle of family and friends, I am the only one who is striving to sustain until marriage. The only one.

  4. Thanks for this video guys. This is an amazing message that I really needed at this point in life. This is steering me in the right direction and giving me a snap back to reality so I can honor the Lord.

  5. I'm a gay man..and I waited until marriage ..Me and my husband are very happy. But you don't have to wait if you don't want to.
    There isn't sufficient evidence of any God existing.
    The God of the bible sanctioned slavery and mass murder

  6. Is this childish? I am jealous of you all guys who have chances to do something.
    I am a guy who have same sex attraction (sexual and romantic). Being like you all is only dream for me.
    Years of praying and work, not even a glimpse my attraction changes.
    Longing for intimacy and companionship. But i have to be single forever, to stay in God's will. You guys so blessed

  7. Remember
    The right person will not make you feel uncomfortable, or as if you are a misfit..be sure to do what pleases God, and if that means leaving that person so you can be free, then please think about that…the person that God has for you is prepared in such a way that they compliment you, not make you feel uncomfortable and out of place as if you're a misfit, that means the two have not become one, in a God ordained relationship..the two will become one

  8. Hey everyone quick question Has anyone ever heard of the National Sunday Law? It's where one day they'll pass a law forcing us all to go to church on Sundays but the Sabbath is on Saturday so sabbath believers will have to refuse the Sunday low and rely on god. πŸ˜‡ I'm not here to be offensive to anyone, I’m here to let people know what is to come soon.

  9. You guys are such an amazing example for a Godly relationship! God bless! Also for the money question. I would say no, (coming from personal family experience) my parents are avid givers to preachers and just people in need, fast forward 10 years we were so much debt due to people (even preachers) misusing the money we gave them which inturn was a way the devil could attack our family. But God is so graciously he showed us a way out of all debt. And personally from what God has spoken to our family is, to give money or support someone financially only if there is a leading from the Holy Spirit. Because no matter what, or how good and Godly the person you're giving the money to is, we don't know where exactly they are using it. So yeah that's what I wanted to share! πŸ™‚

  10. Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that has died for sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and let the Holy Spirit within you, and you shall be saved.

  11. So all of this weird repressed emotional desire stuff isnt even based on what you think is best for the relationship, but because you don't want to sin? You love God so much you're willing to not have any physical contact with the person you love until after you marry them, because the Bible says so

  12. All you people who have said that 'you were not sexually pure before you met the one' and such stuff, here is a biblical truth for you: YOU CANNOT HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE, EVER, UNLESS THE PERSON/PEOPLE YOU SLEPT WITH ARE DEAD, THEN YOU CAN MARRY AND HAVE SEX. Here is a boundary: all this 'the one' is crap. Humans are to be alone; finding a wife finds favour, but what if you do not find a wife?? No finding what is good and no favour from God???? Welcome to my hell on earth – loneliness, purity, isolation, abandonment, churches with morons and bible verse omitters leading them. And we Christians are to be the happiest people on the planet???

  13. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

  14. Kissing or being in a room alone is not bad. Don't put yourself in a compromising position and also
    When you live your life too dogmatic the rules themselves force you to be vulnerable.

  15. Christian single men- A Warning: I beg and implore you, do not marry a professing Christian woman who is characterized by the following: She does not read the word or pray with any consistency, she does not share her faith, she wears immodest clothing, she does not know how to cook, she does not know how to clean, she has tons of financial debt, she overspends and does not know how to save, she boasts about knowing God, but has little to no interest in learning more about the things of the Lord or in growing in her devotion to Him,she loves to sleep in, she reads worldly books and watches R-rated movies, she listens to worldly music like country or rock, she is disrespectful to one or both parents, she argues with her siblings, she argues with men, she interrupts you when you speak, she is very needy and clingy. Instead, marry a woman who is godly, humble, meek, trustworthy, hardworking, she knows how to cook and clean, she reads her Bible and prays everyday, enjoys sharing her faith in Christ, loves Christ, loves to fellowship with the saints, she respects her parents, she respects men, and gets along with her siblings, she is frugal and thrifty, she is hospitable and loves children. See the following Scriptures: Proverbs 31, 1 Peter 3:1-6, Titus 2:3-5, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 3:11, Proverbs 21:9. May God guide you in choosing the right woman!


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