The world is not a fair place and not everyone gets to live out their dreams, but should this stop us from dreaming? Early on …


  1. I heard about the Forwago and decided to give it a try. I am more than grateful for the plans which helped me to improve my physical and mental health. Definitely, I would recommend everybody to try it!

  2. How can I not care when all ill Have Will depend on how ill work?!😮i Have to start studying every day after this Holiday So i get An A on everything And yes im 13 So what? I dont want to live under a bridge sorry man, impossible.😐🤦😐👌

  3. My parents dont support me I my dream they said u don't have talent u can't do it but I want to do it if I argue with them they will kick me out of the house im so depressed and don't know what to do

  4. I was out there making trouble for my parents and teachers when I was in my fifth grade
    While this great person was career planning
    And seriously my parents never asked me what I wanted to be when I was a kid

  5. i want to matter, because i know damn well that i don't. my existence is not essential, and if i died, it would have no big impact on anything. so i decided to push every single one of my limits and try to get a job at UNESCO. i know it will be hard, but if i succeed, my life will have meaning. i will have the power to potentially change the world. to change myself, maybe. but when i put it this way, i realize that in case i fail to make this "dream" come true, i will fall to despair.

  6. here’s my issue,
    i want to be a therapist but i’m not mentally stable
    i want to be a doctor or nurse but i’m not smart enough
    i want to be a writer but i’m not creative enough
    i want to be so many things but there’s always something in the way

  7. I've actually asked myself this exact question once. I was thinking that if all jobs paid the same, what job would I take? And that really made me realize my own dreams and goals.

  8. If I was able to do anything it would be something with games or something like something I like to do I just don’t see how people can wake up every morning and be happy to go to work or do something

  9. I myself is 14 and I am told everyday that I've a younger brother and I have to find a stable and nice looking job to support his future. My parents never asked me what I wish to be. I want to be significant. Yes, I want to change the world. I want to help the helpless. I want to be the CEO of my very own NGO. But, even if they ask, now, at the dining, I won't be able to say cause I can only think about the future as I have to support my family. I hate government 9 to 5 jobs. I want to work in some private sectors if I take upon a job chose by them. But they just care about the benefits, amenities, their life insurance and my future pension after retirement. Am I 14 or 41??? I once wanted to be a fashion designer even if I can't draw that well but I could try, but after knowing that it would cost a big amount, I locked it up in my thoughts. But still, I want my parents to notice my desire to be a successful and happy person in life rather than running after money and comfort…

  10. Acts 16:30-31
    King James Version
    30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

    31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  11. Man This guy is cringe. Maybe he doesn't realize it but people work for money, not because it's their passion. If we all chose the jobs we wanted the human world would not function even slightly.

  12. I want and am determined to become a screenwriter. I want to share my stories with the world. I want to make people happy or scared or so intrigued that they just have to have a sequel. I love telling stories and I decided a year ago I wasn't going to settle for some desk job. Cause you know what, go big or go home 😎


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