The cinematic version of Moses ranges from the the epic Charlton Heston, in The Ten Commandments, to an animated Val Kilmer …


  1. This will be a good 'after church' video to watch. Fixing to get ready to go! See ya in a few! =)
    **I have a feeling this will be quite a bit different than The Chosen, as far as accuracy! lol
    Hollywood needs a few Bible studies!! **eye roll** XD

  2. I'd really, really, really like to see your take on the 1996 "Moses" mini-series starring Ben Kingsley. It is, in my opinion, the most biblically accurate portrayal of Moses. As much as I love "The Ten Commandments" (I grew up on it LOL), there is no one who's portrayed the character of Moses (and followed the Bible as accurately) than that particular series.

  3. I think Moses was circumcised. He was older than 8 days old and named before he was placed in the basket/ark. If the slaves remembered/honored that much of their heritage and traditions, he must have been. Am I wrong? Thanks!

  4. Genesis 2:1-15 describes Moses birth, Pharaoh’s daughter finding him (a Hebrew baby) at 3 months old (Moses would have been circumcised at 8 days old is implied because his parents were faithful to keeping God’s commands) & asking Moses sister to find baby Moses a nurse to raise him till he grew. Moses mother was the nurse and would have taught Moses about Jehovah and that he was a Hebrew. Moses knew his heritage because he killed the Egyptian taskmaster to save one of his own people and had to flee Egypt because Pharaoh learned about it.

  5. Guys, love your videos. Have you watched Timothy Mahoney’s videos Patterns of Evidence: Exodus, Moses Controversy, and Red Sea Miracle? Perhaps you could do a reaction video, and an interview with Timothy Mahoney.


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