John G. Lake, who is held up by so many as a “general” of the faith, was caught lying to a reporter about the healing of a seven …


  1. I know of people who may pray at a memorial of Billy Sunday, Jack Hyles, John R Rice, ….for the fresh anointing ( Not Charismatic type ) of the Holy Spirit in preaching Gospel ( 1 Cor 15, Rom 4:5 .. ) … but what I sense in OP that these young people believe that an anointing exists at a physical location grave of desceased person

  2. I’ve had 63 burn and trauma surgeries, as well as multiple amputations. I know my real healing awaits me in eternity. These fake faith healers make me sick.

  3. Bethel church in Redding CA has gotten into "grave soaking" apparently!!!! I went there 2 years in a row from Portland, OR , hoping for healing for me and a friend. Nothing happened. I also went to Colorado– a healing conference at Andrew Wommacks place. as well as a conference here in Portland too, hoping for healing. In 2018. People like Todd White were there. I got to the point ( as did my crippled friend) that I felt like if one more person asked to pray for me, I felt like I was going to slap them. :/ people meant well. But I never heard about anyone getting healed there! And there we're a lot of really sick folks there.. It gets so confusing. I hear about healing all the time. But it sure never happens to me!!! And you start to get bitter. I just seem to get SICKER, NOT BETTER! But I have also heard about people who have given up, but then given it one more try, and they do get healed…. I dunno. I sure Don't appreciate it when people try to blame me and say I just don't have enough faith! Cuz I have all the faith in the world!..

  4. That practice in the beginning at Lakes' grave is unbiblical. There is no one perfect person (including faith healers) however to insinuate they are fake healers from one bad instance is not accurate considering the good experiences. The real danger comes when people take something the Holy Spirit has done and ascribes it to Satan. Be careful. You don't want to be part of destroying people's faith as the Lord will not take kindly to that. There is nothing wrong with having discernment (as many in charismatic circles do not have) but none of us want to take the work of Jesus and attack it.

  5. Yes I understand there is much fraudulence, but how do you perceive the word of God that says we are healed by his stripes and many other healing promises of God? I don't know how you look at the word of God in healing you you might think it's just spiritual healing, is that correct?

  6. I know that this might rub some the wrong way but I want to point out that you can do so much investigation trying to prove that God doesn't heal today that guess what. You are right. This kind of action will not even see a miracle. God does heal today and these channels are not going to change my mind.

  7. I have found something that goes against the grain of Christian tradition. The Book of Acts is the only divinely inspired history of the early Apostolic Church. It’s strange that it doesn’t speak of Sunday replacing the Sabbath, especially as Luke wrote Acts in 64 AD or 34 years after the Resurrection. Christianity teaches that it changed at the Cross, but Luke writes of the Feasts of Israel 7 times, using 6 of them as Time Markers. A Time Marker presents a well known holy time that Luke uses to tell his Theophilus (Acts 1:1) WHEN an event happened. For instance, if I asked you to meet me for lunch the day after Xmas, I wouldn’t have to say Dec. 26th because I’m using Xmas as a Time Marker, everyone knowing that Xmas is Dec. 25th. Luke uses different Feasts of Israel as Time Markers 6 times in the Book of Acts. If Gentile Christian Theophilus wasn’t keeping the Feasts of Israel in 64 AD, Luke could never have used them. Paul also does this.

    Not once does Luke write of Easter or Xmas, let alone tell us that Christians were keeping those days. As for Sunday, Luke fails to mention it as the “new day” of assembly, yet the Church says it was instituted by the Apostles after the death of Jesus.

    The use of 7 of 9 Feasts of Israel in Acts and First Corinthians as Time Markers reveals that the Apostles and all Christians celebrated them after the Resurrection for at least 34 years, and actually for 90 years, until Roman Catholicism changed it. The Church teaches that the Feasts were nullified at the Cross and so Christians don’t need to keep them, but the New Testament clearly refutes that:

    1. Acts 2:1 30 AD—The Feast of Weeks (Ex. 34:22; Dt. 16:9-10; Hebrew: Shavu’ot—Pentecost)
    2. Acts 12:3 44 AD—The Feast of Unleavened Bread (Ex. 12:8, 15f.; 23:15; 34:18; Lev. 23:6f.)
    3. Acts 12:4 44 AD—Passover (Ex. 12:11, 27; Lev. 23:5f.; Num. 9:5; 28:16; Dt. 16:1; Mt. 26:1f.)
    4. Acts 18:21 49 AD—This coming Feast, obviously a Feast of Israel (found in the KJV and NKJV)
    5. Acts 20:6 57 AD—The Feast of Unleavened Bread
    6. Acts 20:16 57 AD—The Feast of Weeks (Shavu’ot—Pentecost)
    7. Acts 27:9 60 AD—The Day of Atonement (“The Fast,” as Luke calls it; Lev. 16:1-34; 23:26-32)

    Passover is mentioned once in Acts (Acts 12:4). The Feast of Unleavened Bread is mentioned twice in Acts (Acts 12:3; 20:6). The Feast of Weeks (Shavu’ot—Pentecost) is mentioned twice (Acts 2:1; 20:16). The Fast (the Day of Atonement, is mentioned once (Acts 27:9). An unspecified Feast of Israel is mentioned once (Acts 18:21; both KJV and NKJV).

    The Apostle Paul speaks of two Feasts of Israel in First Corinthians. In 1st Cor. 5:6-8 he actually exhorts his Gentile Christians to keep Passover/the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Then he uses Pentecost, a Mosaic Law holy day, as a Time Marker, letting his Gentile Corinthians know that he’ll be staying in Ephesus until Pentecost:

    8. 1st Cor. 5:6-8 53 AD—The Feast (Passover/the Feast of Unleavened Bread)
    9. 1st Cor. 16:8 53 AD—The Feast of Weeks (Shavu’ot—Pentecost)

    The Feasts of Israel are mentioned 9 times in the Book of Acts and First Corinthians. The use of these 9 Feasts by Luke and Paul, 7 specifically as Time Markers, and one that literally encourages the Corinthians to keep Passover/the Feast of Unleavened Bread means that these Mosaic Law Feasts were obviously still being celebrated by Christians in the days of the Apostles, as Luke is writing to Gentile Theophilus, and Paul is writing to Gentile Christians. Christianity teaches that the Feasts of Israel were done away with at the Cross, but the Book of Acts and First Corinthians clearly oppose that heretical teaching. Acts is the only divinely inspired history of the Church for its first 34 years after the Resurrection. It reveals that the Feasts weren’t changed by Jesus or His Apostles. On the contrary, Acts and First Corinthians tell us that all Christians were celebrating the “Jewish Feasts.” If not, Luke and Paul could never have used them as Time Markers, let alone even spoke of them because no Gentile Christian would have known when the event they spoke of happened or what they were even talking about.

    The Apostle Paul wrote First Corinthians in 53 AD, 23 years after the Resurrection and 11 years before Luke wrote Acts. Some might say, ‘Sure Paul would use Pentecost because it’s a holy day of Christianity,’ but Pentecost goes back to Mt. Sinai (as ‘the Feast of Weeks’ in English; Ex. 34:22; Num. 28:26; Dt. 16:10, 16), and it was on the First Pentecost at Mt. Sinai that God spoke the Ten Commandments to all Israel. That’s why there is a Pentecost in the Old Testament. In other words, God’s Word and His Spirit were given to Israel on the same day—the Jewish Feast of Weeks.

    Neither Luke nor Paul ever speak of Easter or Christmas, which are not found anywhere in the New Testament. (Every English Bible rightly has Passover for Acts 12:4 except the “inerrant” King James Version. The Greek word is πάσχα [Paska], which is Passover, but the KJV has Easter. The KJV is wrong and is also wrong at Heb. 4:9, where it only has rest instead of Sabbath rest. Hebrews was written in 57 Ad or 37 years after the Resurrection, yet Hebrews speaks of a Sabbath rest, not a Sunday rest.)

    The Roman Catholic Church brought Sunday, Easter and Xmas, celebrated by pagans in honor of the pagan Christ, into the Church after all the Apostles were dead (120 AD), and Rome nullified God’s holy Feasts, not Jesus. Easter and Xmas have nothing to do with Jesus. After all, what do chocolate Easter bunny eggs have to do with the Resurrection of the Lamb of God? And what does bringing a Xmas tree into one’s home have to do with the birth of Jesus Christ? If God wanted us to celebrate those days they would have been written in the New Testament. Sola Scriptura! Only Scripture is to be our divine Guideline for what we believe and therefore, what we practice. When Xmas came into the Catholic Church (about 350 AD), even the Catholic priests fought against it because they knew how pagan it was.

    On the other hand, the Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus) is pictured in First Fruits (1st Cor. 15:20 23; aka First Sheaf), which is celebrated on the Sunday of the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread. (For more on this see First Sheaf at Also, there is a Feast of Israel that commemorates the birth and return of Jesus. It’s The Feast of Trumpets. Read about it and why ‘the Rapture’ isn’t biblical at (Continued in next post)

    God made provision for Christians to observe the death and Resurrection of His Son in Passover–the Feast of Unleavened Bread and First Sheaf. God gave the Feasts to Israel at Mt. Sinai with His Son in mind. He didn’t forget to give Christians a day to celebrate His Son’s death (Passover/the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread), and His Resurrection (the Sunday of First Fruits within the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread) and our glorious transformation into the Image of Yeshua (the 7 day Feast of Unleavened Bread) with its eating of unleavened bread every day of the 7 day Feast, which pictures Christians becoming like Jesus (Lev. 23:4f.; 1st Cor. 5:6-8; cf. 2nd Cor. 3:18).

    God’s 7th day Sabbath is mentioned 10 times after the Resurrection (Acts 13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4; Col. 2:16, and Heb. 4:9, where the KJV and NKJV fail to correctly translate the Greek word Sabbatismos, but every other Bible has Sabbath rest—not just ‘rest’). Sunday is only mentioned twice in the NT after the Gospel Resurrection accounts (1st Cor. 16:2; Acts 20:7), and actually one time it’s not Sunday, but Saturday night. Sunday is seen in 1st Cor. 16:2, and it wasn’t a day “for church.” Paul wrote that each individual was to set aside some money on “Sunday,” for the needy Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. He’d collect it when he came to Corinth (1st Cor. 16:1-3; cf. 2nd Cor. 9:1f.)

    Not once does the NT say that Sunday replaced the 7th day Sabbath, or that the Church was meeting on Sunday instead of the Sabbath—something we’d expect if the Sabbath, which Israel had kept for 1,400 years, had been replaced by Sunday. Sunday, Easter and Xmas are not biblical holy days, but pagan holy days that the Roman Catholic Church took into its bosom, which Protestants unwittingly took with them when they left Rome, that nullify God’s lifestyle for Christians.

    Roman Catholic Church History reveals that all Christians kept Passover and the 7th day Sabbath for at least 90 years after the Resurrection—until Pope Sixtus arbitrarily changed it. Rome boasts of this. (See Sunday—The Catholic Sabbath at The Catholic Church is not a Christian church because its teaching on salvation and Mary are damnable heresies, along with most of its other doctrines. See Alexander Hislop’s Christian classic, The Two Babylons at You can choose to follow Jesus, or you can continue to follow the teachings of Rome (see Dan. 7:25; 1st Jn. 2:6; Rev. 18:4). Sunday, Easter and Xmas are not of Jesus, but of Rome.

    I am available to debate any pastor, theologian or Christian on this topic that God’s New Testament lifestyle for Christians is Sabbath, not Sunday; Passover not Easter, and the rules of the Mosaic Dietary laws, as well as all the other rules of Moses that apply to any one Christian (cf. Rom. 3:31; 7:12, 14). For more about God’s lifestyle for Christians, see Law 102 at

    Blessings from Above,
    Avram Yehoshua
    Minister and Senior Elder

  8. The youngsters praying at the graveside is nothing new. It’s a rehash of videos done a while back regarding the then trend of ‘grave soaking’, whereby Christians would lie on the graves of deceased revivalists believing the anointing may be passed onto them. This was based on 2 Kings 13:21. Bethel were implicated as encouraging this practice although they denied ever doing so.

    It seems clear to me that the new anti-Charismatic movement, fuelled by the rapidly expanding cult of Reformed inspired heretic hunters, go to almost demented levels of vexations against healing ministries in particular. On the one hand I can understand why: it is much easier to accept that the healings gifts have ceased rather than try to figure out why God heals some but leaves the vast majority sick and in pain.

    On the other hand, the proclamations from these new anti-charismatic/reformed movement of heretic hunters that absolutely no-one has ever been healed is just as misleading as the claims of healings made by the people they criticise. Not a single person from these new movements can know with absolute certainty that not a single person as ever been healed. And to single out any cases of ‘confirmed’ healings as being satanic at worse is running dangerously close to the wind of blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

  9. Would you call the prophet Moses a fraud just because the children of Israel after Moses' death decided to worship the bronze serpent as an idol and named it Nehushtan to that effect? Just because the people in the beginning of the video were misled into necromancy doesn't make John G Lake a liar. And you didn't stop there, you go on to God does not and cannot heal today! Sooooo clever the way you weave your wicked lies into all you do in the name of "deconstruction" and wittingly deprive God's children of any hope of healing whereas the Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever! Hmm, I fear for you. I sincerely hope that the creator of this channel (as well as the people of God whom you've so skillfully deceived and are deceiving) are aware that Jesus said any blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, not in this age nor in the age to come. May it end well with you and your followers and may God have mercy on your souls in Jesus' name. Amen.

  10. Americans are being drugged/setup by a covert Lynch Mob ,illegal Inter-racial civilian harassment team using sabotage and blackmail.

    "Non Lethal Chemical Weapons and Biological agents" being fumed on Americans.

    Scented Gases (these drugs are temporary)

    Memory drugs (short term amnesia)

    Deleriants (drug that causes dizzy feeling)

    Disorganizing drugs (causes a temporary jumbled thinking)

    Depressants/Barbiturates (emotional hurt like pain,emotional irritation)this drug can be blocked by plugging the nose with tissue paper

    Passive/Calmative drugs (giggily/kid like feeling/very calm)

    Agitation drug (pissed off,angry feeling)

    Chemical Irritants that irritate eyes,throat,ears,itch/burn

    Different types of Halucinagenics/Psychoactives (fuzzy lights/blurred vision,bright lights,Sensitivity to sound,sound cringe

    Dry Mouth(drys out mouth/tongue,causes thirstiness)

    Fear drug (causes fear/scared like feeling)

    Jittery/Anxious drug (jittery anxiety feeling

    Panic drug (panicky feeling)

    Hypnotics (drugs that open subconscious)

    Chills drug (causes cold,chilly feeling)

    Malodorants (scented gases,cause bad breath,body odors,scents come out of excrement,vaginas,sweat,gases that cause foul odors to come out of body)Different scents added to gaseous drugs:food smells,body odor smells,chemical smells,scents that stick to wet surfaces

    Amphetamines (different types,some good/some bad,this drug can be used for good or bad.ex: amphetamines fumed when you sleep,

    Sedatives (can be used for good or bad.ex:sedatives fumed when you wake up)

    Sick Stomach (causes a sick feeling in stomach

    Depth Perception drug (blurred vision,depth perception is messed up,

    Bio-aerosols (Gaseous Bio-agents ,in gas form)

    Bloating (stomach is pressurized with gas,bloat.Shart Attack/Shit Farts

    Diuretics (disable muscle and overtighten to cause pain)

    Laxatives (extreme laxative with scented bioagent/chemical)

    Phlegm/Mucus agents (bioagents/bacteria gas that creates phlegm in lungs)Sawdust scent added to Phlegm agents

    Phlegm irritants (irritate phlegm/mucus,cause coughing,irritant in throat)

    Eye Burning agents/Eye Watering agents/Eye Irritants,Blurry eyes

    Sneezing Agents (cause sneezes/activates phlegm agents)

    Sore Throat

    Allergy Type irritants

    Rashes (caused from injections or bio-aerosols)

    Dermatitus on genitals (injections to penis tip,or vagina)

    Bioagent Injections with bio-aerosol fume triggers ( injected muscles can be tightened or disabled with a bio-aerosol )

    Biological nueromuscular blocking agent injections similar to Curanine/Curare,that disable injected muscle with (a fume triggers injection)

    Biological injection similar to Tetanus/Different strains of Tetanus that can tighten/overtighten injected muscles (a fume triggers injection)

    ( Lots of different strains so multiple muscle groups can be tightened or disabled )

    Facial Sculpting injections can alter face muscles

    Drugs/Bioaerosols/Irritants can be combined to make drug symptoms worse

    Depressants with Agitation drug

    Depressants with Dry Mouth

    Depressants with scented malodorants/food smells

    Hypnotics/Depressants with food smells

    Hypnotics/Depressants with body odor/bad breath smells

    these are some the Non Lethal gases being used on civilians by the govt….

    Some of these drugs/bioagents are being piped underground thru a piping system and some are handheld devices or wearable fume like perfume or cologne

    Bloating with Laxative and ahole disable causes Shart Attacks.

    Sabotaging Agents

    Fraying agents (agents added to water supply to cause clothes to fray/weaken/tear

    Bearing Grease Bind Up agent (used on streets,binds up bearing grease,causes uneven wear/bind on bearings,lowers gas mileage)

    Fish scent (added to Water Supply)

    Rubber Degradient (degrades rubber,tires,seals,excessive wear

  11. 😳🤯!! I live in Spokane. (Born & raised). Of course this was way before my time, but it's still just shocking to hear Spokane mentioned (unless it involves Craig T. Nelson, Bing Crosby, &/ot of course the ZAGS).

  12. Just wanted to add to the chorus my hearty thank you for your channel and GREAT information! I especially like your videos concerning Pentecostal history and the phony so called generals. One figure I would like to see more about is Gordon Lindsay who through his publishing perpetuated many myths about early Pentecostal history. And in this case especially John G Lake. Lindsay was born in Zion near the end of Dowie's reign of error. He also knew John G Lake and claimed he was healed under Lake's ministry. The way I understand it Lake helped Lindsay start his own ministry. For a time Lindsay managed Branham's ministry, in Branham's early years. He published the Voice of Healing which later became Christ for the Nations. Lindsay was connected to so many in the Pentecostal/WOF/charismatic/full gospel (or whatever name you prefer) movement. He is somewhat a background figure who I believe needs to be exposed. As he perpetuated myths and misinformation about these so called generals.

    Incidentally, I HIGHLY recommend your friend's book "Militant Christian Extremism: A Critical Examination of John Alexander Dowie

    by John Andrew Collins. I wrote a 5 star review on Amazon. Again, thank you and your wife for producing GREAT video's and your friends listed as your favorite channels I subscribe to about all of them.

  13. I have, in the past few days, been reading Roberts liardons book on Azuza street. Purely for research really. I have literally been making notes all over it and the so called history makes no mention of how many of his proofs of the Holy spirit over history being from heretical individuals or groups. It is written in a way that is so one sided in terms of information. But I can imagine a lot of people would assume it is correct entirely. It contradicts itself too and this is by the end of chapter 1. I will read it eventually in its entirety- but at the minute my head hurts.

  14. Jesus Christ is the healer not John. If I was not severely sick and received supernatural healing from God, I could have beleived your video. When doctor says " nothing can be done, you have 3 months to live", Jesus says " your faith has made you well". Healing is free, Jesus already paid the price. I dare believe in the word of God and my daughter and I, received supernatural healing. I encourage you all to do the same. Jesus is the only healer. At the name of Jesus every knee (disease, sickness) shall bow. It s up to you, you can either believe and receive your supernatural healing or believe in science that will tell you," you only have 3 months to live". But me, I dare beleive and I received. Good luck everyone reading this post 🙂 .

  15. John Gray author a book titled:The Immortaliza-
    tion Commission:Science and the Strange Quest
    to Cheat Death 2011 📖 Before charismatic be-
    came connected to religion, spirituality ,it had a
    non religious,non spiritual use.JGL others of his
    ilk,have discounted JOHN 3:16 🕊 JGL relocated
    to the state of Washington,and Oregon.In 2022 a
    punchline can be attached to the pursuit of truth in these two locations 🥺😢😰😭

  16. I have personally experienced the healing power of Jesus because I had the faith to believe it is possible. I cannot deny what I have seen and experienced.
    Was John G Lake a perfect man ? No , but his failings do not discredit how God was able to use him in a mighty way to bring genuine healing to many.
    Was Moses perfect ? No but God still used him.
    Was David perfect ? No, but God still used him.
    Was Peter perfect ? No, but God still used him.
    Was Paul perfect ? No, but God still used him.
    Are you perfect ? No, and despite your imperfections God still can use you.
    If you think God requires perfection in his Children then he would not be able to use any of us as we all fail , sometimes big time.
    Faith in Jesus is the main requirement, not faith in our own perfection.
    To deny the power of the Holy Spirit to heal today is close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.Becareful because you walk on dangerous ground.


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