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Rediscovering The Kingdom Volume 3 Titles:

Disc 1 – Rediscovering The Kingdom
Disc 2 – The Concepts & Characteristics of the Kingdom Pt. 1
Disc 3 – The Concepts & Characteristics of the Kingdom Pt. 2
Disc 4 – God’s Original Intent
Disc 5 – Rediscovering The Original Purpose and Assignment of Jesus

From the very beginning, God’s plan for His creation was centered on our being in a relationship with Him. It was never God’s plan to establish a religion. When governments collapse and human philosophies fail Rediscovering The Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century. As Dr. Munroe unveils the reality and the power of the Kingdom of God, you will be challenged to the core of your religious soul as you discover realities that few have seen, let alone talked about. This teaching is a part of the multi-volume series, Rediscovering the Kingdom.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe


  1. Everything was on point until he brought that we existed before we where born.
    That’s Mormon doctrine.
    We did not exist in a spirit world and chose to come to earth.
    I guess I’ll take the watermelon analogy.
    Eat the good stuff and spit out the seeds.

  2. From 38:15 "John didn't receive the Holy Spirit",?
    Luke 1:15 KJV — For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother's womb.

  3. I kind of struggle so what about what's written in John 11 the scenario with the rich and Lazaro one went to heaven the other to paradise and at the cross Jesus said to one of the thief today you be in paradise

  4. Yes here in 2022 * i believe the Kingdom reveoluton is in full swing… lets ring the bell of understanding and shout from the houseTops
    "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God".. wow and HALLELUJAH!!!


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