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Straight Talk To Men Titles:

Disc 1 – For Men Only
Disc 2 – How To Love Your Wife
Disc 3 – The Wife’s Husband: Head or Boss
Disc 4 – The Duties of a Father to his children

Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life—as men, fathers, and husbands. This uncertainty is disrupting their personal and professional lives, leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. This message highlights cultural attitudes toward men and redefines the purpose God has given them for the many roles they play.

#drmylesmunroe #mylesmunroe


  1. All this does is validate why I’m so lost, but not really tell me what to do. I’ve been parentless for 24 years. Apparently. The moment my parents split, suddenly my mother said I was mature for my age! No I wasn’t! I was a child! I now see it as a cop-out from being a responsible mother to me, too, because obviously she only had time in her heart for one child—like a shoebill (look up how shoebills raise their young—chilling). And my father was selfishly off creating a record so bad not even McDonald’s or second chance employment call centers want to hire him. To this day I don’t really want to know.

    A good sermon for the parentless is what I’d love to hear. Because emotionally, both my parents checked out from being my parents when they divorced. Not saying they didn’t love me in the most selfish way they knew how, but I was alone because I was deemed “mature.” Biggest parenting cop-out. Intelligent children are still children. Maturity comes with age and experience. I literally had a BONFIRE at 10 years old in the FRONT YARD of my cousin’s friend’s house with the babysitter watching (she was a super cool 15 year old babysitter) and suddenly I was mature for my age? I’m not dumb. At least we were supervised.
    I’d love a sermon on how to draw on God’s strength when we’re weak. What to do and where to go when you’ve lost the plot.
    I just wanted validation for how I’ve felt and listening to this I’ve got all the validation I need. Because I’m gaslighted to this day. “It wasn’t so bad.” “I did the best I could.” Sipping wine all evening with your new bf now husband? It’s nice to know that what I’m feeling is completely normal for anyone.
    I’m pretty sure she’s read every article on why you should always put your spouse first and live selfishly. If there are articles out there for how you don’t need to make sacrifices for your children, she’s definitely read it twice. I’m suffering an ambiguous loss for her right now… and she hates me now. Her husband has always hated me and turned my entire family against me.
    I’ve always known that if you love someone, you honestly want them to do well in life and will actively make time in your life to help them do well in their life. Praise God the Bible validates that.
    And for the first 10 years I now recognize their form of “discipline” was actually punishment. Then they emotionally detached from their parental obligations to me. Wonderful being the first born.
    I only had the courage to read a book my mother wrote to her husband and it validated every feeling that my mother gaslighted me about. “It’s not like that.”
    Where’s the sermon for that? I completely understand why in the very last days the children won’t give a poop about their parents. Because the articles say that the parents should only really care about each other, and put their children second. For some selfish people, some children get placed last because of articles like that. I feel like I have had no parents all this time because of selfishly bad articles.
    Father of the fatherless? Let’s hear more on that.

  2. I never grow up with my father he went to raised another family. Thank God for my mum she was the father and mother,she led us to God when we were very young, and honestly God filled the void, it actually made me a better person in the society

  3. You are a balanced preacher from God thank you so much for your teaching which l I am now part of your wisdom and teachings may God bless your departed soul amen you are still alive because your words are alive

  4. First and foremost I give thanks to Abba for Dr. Myles Monroe and how He used/uses him for His glory to help others who are in need.
    I was one of them.
    To Dr. Myles Monroe’s children, your dad’s legacy lives on and it looks good on you two as well. I can see him in you.
    Wish I could have met your dad. Abba has used him to help me in so many ways…it brings tears of joy and thankfulness to my eyes as I write this.
    I love the scriptures today and so thankful that He gave me His Son, Yeshua, so I can be introduced to Abba, my wonderful Father…
    Thank you Abba
    Thank you Dr. Myles Monroe for doing your best to live what you were taught.
    The road is narrow indeed.

  5. Great message. I wish people would stop saying their mother was both mother and father to them. This is not possible. No mother can be a father. Every child need a father or father-figure.


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