Radically transformed from a life of lust and violence, spoken word poet Preston Perry delivers his powerful testimony of …


  1. One man to be with one woman ? And what about me who is homosexual and in deep and loving relationship with my boyfriend for 8 years ? I am condemned ? Then why God created me and my boyfriend this way ? Its all about love for one another and christianity has brought so many devides and torture trough history that Im discrased to call myself christian …

  2. Amen! He’s a change breaker. The greatest miracle is the miracle of salvation. I can still remember mine in 1987 when I was in my 20s. Jesus love is a love I have no word to describe! What He does for one He will do it again, trust Him. ❤️🙏

  3. Bro, I went through this as well, still coming out of it. what I can say is, dive into the Word errday, as God reveals his love more to me, even when I slip up, I know that does not change my position with him and that helps me so much. being Saved by grace through faith, we are made right with God!

  4. I have been listening to back-to-back videos of Jackie Hill-perry and Preston Perry, and I have to say that I really like how open and honest they are.. how real they are about everything, about sin and Christ.
    I am thankful to our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ for saving them and motivating them to share their stories and knowledge of God.

  5. Please pray for me. After a sexual sin (adultery), I have developed a disease of the CNS that the doctors cannot treat. I desire forgiveness & health. PLEASE I beg you pray for me just once. My name is Jens. Thank you.

  6. please pray for my 17 year old daughter she come out to me about a year ago has bisexual she has been raised in church but now she wants nothing to do with it. it is breaking our hearts. we love her so much but nothing we do can get her into back into church. she has had both girlfriends and boyfriends and she knows what she is doing is wrong so please just pray her and all of us. May God Bless You all


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