After a diagnosis of kidney cancer, Gregory sank into deep despair until a Scripture came to mind and he believed Christ for his …


  1. Well, I will say Dr osaye you are really amazing, you have really been a good help, and needs to be known around the world, to also help people with your herbal medication's,he gave me his word, and now I'm permanently cured me of cancer….

  2. Hello brothers and sisters. Let me tell you my story. I have had erosive gastritis and an ulcer of 4 cm long, which is a lot. For almost a year I took medication, kept diets, and nothing didn't help the pain go away, except for baking soda, but even baking soda had a short time effect, and came with adverse reactions. One day, I made guacamole, put verry little onion and tomato in it,and ate only twoo spoons, which isn't a lot, but the entire nigjt was a nightmare because of pain. I woke up a lot of times, and at first started to become desperate, but then remembered a story about a man with cancer who prayed, and was cured, and began praying. Every time I woke up, I prayed, and in the morning the pain wasn't anymore. I drank lemon tea and the pain didn't come back, I ate tomato and the pain didn't come back. God cured me! Praise the Lord, because He is Good and Righteous!
    "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    John 14:13"

  3. Please pray for my sister who felt numbness and tingling in her hands, numbness in lip, and numbness in her foot and she is unsure why she’s feeling sick when nothing happened to make her feel numb. She’s also had a few headaches the past few days.
    I really love her and I want her to be healthy.
    Praying for all the others unwell in this time🙏❤

  4. I pray for total healing from hepatitis b. My liver aches badly. If God can heal Gregory from cancer, I know He can heal me from whatever. Jesus, take the lead in my life and heal me. Someone should join faith with me. Amen!

  5. Brethren and soldiers in Jesus Christ. God is pleased with all that share His word and works so blesses each with different talents we know. Music should glorify our Lord Jesus more often with the miracles He has done for each of us. And there have been plenty (even those we weren't aware of). Hence these accounts become hymns and not songs. The intensity of the experience is much higher than a 'song'. And of which we couldn't compose that on our own. I must share this hymn as God turned miracles into lyrics and melody. And am in humble gratitude for the inspiration, capacity and honourable privilege to transmit those extraordinary works into a musical vocal visual form.

    This short video of live miracles in His presence God did with me at my son’s departure will certainly be beneficial to all. As in any thing the Lord does in our lives, they are always perfect. Some of His decisions may not seem to be logical or even fair at the time. But up front when the results appear in our favour as always, do we give thanks. While all that really counts is to lead us to salvation in the end. All glory to Jesus amen.

    The Lord deserves projection of this video onto a large screen for closer intimacy of the visual, sound and lyrics.

    God bless,


  6. Dr osaye has been making changes, and he just brought a product that permanently cured my cancer, and I will advise he is just the right source you have been looking for,well I will just say that these sicknesses must be cured one day and that day has come…

  7. Keep praying even when you don't see Him He's working even when you don't feel Him He's working even when you don't hear Him He's working He never stops working. Pray and believe, be patient and trust Him. He's a miracle working God. He is true to His words. Have faith.🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  8. I just prayed & believe that the 3cm mass in my left lung have been casted out; I am now completely healed in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. … I'll take Gordon's advice & have another CT Scan.

  9. i feel bad even asking God to help me or heal me because so many little kids and babies deserve to be healed more than me i would ask God can He heal them first because i am a sinner an i deserve t be punished

  10. im grateful for all the time i have had i think im at my last incarnation i think i finally get what life is for and about im not scared to die im scared of missing out on seeing the people i love grow in life thats what i dont wanna lose the chance to see people grow an learn an change but God is the master its up to him

  11. my last incarnation on earth and i actually knew it the whole time from a child i knew i was different and felt different could hear God when no other kids could i just knew things from past lives that i have lived an i knew things about space and earth and God that nobody ever taught me i just knew and my parents would think i was crazy until i would prove i wasn't but i just knew things and now i kinda wish they knew God like i know God my parents don't realise the meaning in why He made me different and why i broke the family curse they dont see the reason why i was even born into they're family but i do an when im gone they will too because they will have no option but to call on God if they miss me and that's all He wanted was for every human to know Him truly know Him because only then can you know yourself

  12. i met Jesus in spirit on a beach and we spoke without words and i have never felt anything so special like i felt that and that's why im not afraid to die because i know who is waiting with my babies and i love Him so much i Love God and i Love all the angles that guided me through my life every single one

  13. i was forced by someone to abort my child at 16 because it was black and yes they was racist and i am not, i had a surgical abortion and i didn't want too when i woke up i felt like my heart had been ripped up to heaven i actually tried to get out the bed an go look for my baby and i fainted i felt this automatic omg my baby i need to find her and i felt insane for years after that i was never the same i have always felt empty an void of feeling and tbh i think God knows am tired of this world now im very tired of humans being selfish and not appreciating the earth and everything we have it seems they are so selfish and its hurting God because He gave us all a second chance to do things right this time but it doesn't seem to be working even christians say they love Him but they love money more than Him because if they truly loved Him they would do what He wanted and love EACHOTHER

  14. im not scared to die i wanna see my baby girl an my nanna Gladys an my nanna grace an my auntie margie an my brothers Ryan an james many times they have spoke to me my brother's like when they told me to buy the angel ornaments for mum one time i was walking past this store that sold garden plagues and they came right at the side of me and said get them for mum from us and so i did and when i gave them to her i felt them stood next to me i didn't tell her but i could tell she felt them too cus she got tears angels are real God is real an spirits are real you have one within you and that's what you become when your body dies

  15. being threatened with death makes u wake up really does i remember i asked my dad why did he call me kaylie anne an did he know it was connected to God and He said no and laughed because he knew how connected to God i was so it baffled his head how i am inlove with God so he couldnt deny God is real but he didnt like God because he thought God took his sons Ryan an james away from him when they died when my other half brothers steven and david are not his biological sons and they have been bad people so i get it he wanted his sons maybe they wouldnt of been bad and never would of hurt me like my half brother did an so he drank himself to oblivion i tried to stop him but i couldn't so i just became a source of comfort i would go and sit and let him hold me an cuddle me because he was lonely an he would cry to me all the time that he was tired of the pain and wanted to go home he was my hero before he became captured by the demon spirit of alcohol well he wil always be my hero never once hit me never once raised his hand to me mum would tell him too and he used to pretend to hit me but he would be hitting his hand and giggling with me and she would say did ye tell her and he would say yeah told her off but then would wink at me he was the cooolist dad ever he used play guitar and he always brought my creative side out bought me huge piano but mum made him get rid of it because i was playing it at 4am every morning lmao then he got me a guitar and it was electric well that was it the noise was worse than the piano hahhah i bet she regretted getting rid of my piano then 🤣

  16. me an my sis was eating our dinner in our room and i said ill stab you if u don't eat your dinner an i was joking an she said am not eating it so i went rar with the fork but it actually hit her eye an i froze with the fork in my hand an then she opened her eye an we burst out laughing crying tears cus i nearly stabbed her eye out 🤣

  17. we was so poor but omg my memories are so great and funny. we didn't have money one Christmas an mum an dad went out drinking me and my sis sat cutting crisp packets up and made decorations for the tree and we rapped up tapes for gifts hahaahhahaahha so when they got home from the pub we did a dance and gave them the fake gifts an they cried an i remember my sis used to rob my paper people we used to cut people out magazines an play with them and we would use tapes to make the houses an couches an beds an when me an sis would argue she would cut the heads of my paper people like my favourite man or woman an i would cry for hours an i cut her shoes up as revenge hahaha my memories omg i love remembering all this 🤣

  18. I have a little friend. She has leukemia since she was 1 yr old she is now 3 and the treatments hurt her some much tha chemo is in a drpper and the back of her throat gets so sore her lips gets sores on them. We have a large group praying for her. Her dad takes very good care of her. She has treatment every 10 days she is such a sweet little girl. Would like some extra prayers and blessings from you. I thank God that she is still with us today.

  19. I'm tired of the pain from chemo for a cancer that Dr's can't cure.
    I believe Jesus has healed me of colon cancer too…I rebuke all sickness from my body in Jesus name 🙌😭❤️

  20. When grace is at work. So many things give way. What so many people have use to mock me. God have turn it to a testimony in my life.Thank God Almighty who use Herb doctor itepu on YouTube to cure me from HERPES virus with his herbs medication indeed very effective

  21. My father lost a leg when he was a young boy. Why is God always looking away from these people who ask for a new arm or leg etc.? As soon as he starts growing a new arm/leg or finger, i will be convinced. But untill then, its all b*llshit.


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