Melissa Helser was healed of psoriatic arthritis only to have the disease return. The decision to trust God and love her life led to the goodness and grace of God being revealed in and through her.

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  1. So Jesus heals her supernaturaly, but then the disease comes back and Jesus tells her " there's another way I want you to follow me" ….so now God is using the disease to put tension on her in order to make her more like Jesus….. 😒!?!?!?! You are creating a Bipolar God!!!!

  2. Fun fact, albeit (Intentionally) obscured from the Bible (so, don't go preaching non-Scripture…): the contested territory, logically, between your Christ and Ba'al is whether "Ouch, that hurts!" is worse than "Gross, that's ugly!".

  3. …Does God do sex I have heard ..feel god as much more know him…Its a sin know god as much you feel to know…look ..come near…live I not more I but god in me…eh ..If I lie ..ask god..said he not me..I m ..just a simple man..frequebt youtub ..mostly…and pray much…

  4. There are things that we're not going to understand in life about different sufferings that people go through. I'm glad that I ran across this video because it gives me a little more strength when I hear people's testimonies of what they're going through. For me when I got sick with Lyme disease 5 years ago and I was misdiagnosed for a year. I started to lose a lot of weight I had and still have cronica issues till today I went to doctor to doctor different opinions some of them looked at me as a patient not a human being. I went through a blood doctor getting tested for HIV hepatitis syphilis leukemia and I'm blessed that I don't have none of these conditions. I had to get three bone marrow biopsies done because my white blood cells and platelets are up and down and I have a mildly low neutropenia. I found out through these bone marrow biopsies that I had a few less cells in my bone marrow and currently is at 20 to 25% and it should be at 75%. The last bone marrow my blood doctor want to do a genetic disorder testing. And found out that I have a genetic disorder called Lynch syndrome a more increase risk of getting colon cancer. With everything that I'm going through even still today I am still suffering with conditions with late-stage Lyme disease. On top of that I found out that my pancreas is producing less digestive enzymes so the doctor prescribed me pancreas enzymes. Sometimes I think to myself how can a little tick do so much to a person's immune system in body. Sometimes in life God will send people down different paths to wake them up from their sins to save them. It says in his word that he works everything for good. And even if things look bad and dark working everything out for good. I am still suffering today with a lack of appetite less energy and so much more but I can't give up hope within my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But maybe in the future if it's God's will through Jesus Christ to surround me around good doctors in the future if it's through clinical trials. I know since I used to be dealing with anxiety depression with a chronic condition that you have. Where I say to Lord that I walk down that path many times again to have a right relationship with you even if I have to go through all that suffering again. I don't know only she knows. And even though I can't do the things that I used to do like a hard workout or getting shape or run many miles. I'm just blessed that every day that the Lord has giving me and his beauty of his grace and mercy. And I know I realize now that I am a sinner and no one ain't perfect but by the grace of God through Jesus Christ we are saved through Jesus not as works but as a free gift I'll having faith within Jesus Christ. Doing our best to practice Holiness but the live by it. And like she said to know God to Jesus Christ and who he really is not just for his miracles but the nature of his love kindness Mercy forgiveness patience slow to anger. Galatians 5:25. There's days were I don't want to be on this Earth because how I feel of my sickness but there's days where I want to be here because of my family and I know God through Jesus Christ has a will for my life. And I know he can get his work done without me but hopefully I can have a future. All of overcoming my condition and keep spreading the good news of the Gospel even if I have to hand out gospel tracts or incertum in two places at stores or people can grab them. Thank you for reading my message. Nicholas Otis. I would love to leave you with one of two my favorite verses in the Bible. Proverbs 3:5-6 & Psalms130-5

  5. Hello, thank you for this video. I need to ask a question and probably help as well… I am a born again believer, since November 2020. I belong to a baptist church. Since I was saved by Jesus, the real battle of the mind began. I literally feel like I fight with devil and God at the same time. It's a perpetual torment. Sometimes I feel like I'm oppressed with negative thoughts, I've been feeling really low like for a year. I talked to my pastor's wife about it, as I thought I have demons who cause those thoughts. She said since we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in us, so demons can't. Makes sense, but is it possible that a saved person can be possessed? I asked her about the Deliverance Ministry and she said I should be careful with that because I can actually open the door to the demonic. But all I want is help to be released from it. Can anyone explain me please those things and also, should I seek help in someone who would lay hands over me and try to cast the demons out, if I have any?

  6. Romans 5:3-5 KJV And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

  7. I’m so blessed by this testimony – I know now that the land of milk and honey, the promise land IS THE Grace of God over me, Jesus opened my eyes in the wilderness and proved His great love to me. He gave me joy unspeakable, and a peace that passes all understanding. For if not for this, I would not know my First Love and My maker! Thank you for sharing this testimony!

  8. I need somebody on CBN to pray for me because I have a lot of distress and anger implanted in my life and whoever reads this comment I need them to pray for my healing and deliverance


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