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  1. A million Thank You Apostle for this initiative to bring a major building blocks to the Body of Christ. I am particularly so blessed being your disciple and having you as my discipler.

    Thank You for yeildiug to the Holy Ghost and making us see it is possible to yield to the LORD.

    God bless you Sir until forever

  2. My notes on Apostle Arome Osayi's Teaching:(15th October 2024, Minnesota) (feel free to use)

    To provide an understanding of the principles of honour and consecration, specifically focusing on the role of Melchizedek in the Bible, as well as the ongoing obligations of believers to offer tithes, offerings, and consecration to God in both this life and the age to come.

    1. Introduction
    Apostle Arome Osayi begins by grounding his teaching in the Book of Genesis 14:17-18. Here, he recounts the sudden appearance of Melchizedek, the king of Salem, and priest of the Most High God, after Abraham's victorious return from battle.
    Scriptural Reference:
    Genesis 14:17-18 – Melchizedek brings bread and wine and receives tithes from Abraham.
    The significance of this encounter lies in Melchizedek being both king and priest, representing an eternal priesthood.
    2. Melchizedek's Role in Scripture
    Melchizedek as a Type of Christ:
    Melchizedek appears suddenly without a recorded genealogy, and his priesthood is described as eternal.
    This figure represents the unique combination of kingship and priesthood.
    The Apostle draws a parallel to Christ, who also operates as both king and priest in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7).
    Connection with the New Testament:
    Psalms 110:4 – Melchizedek's priesthood is everlasting, echoed in Christ’s eternal priesthood.
    3. The Principle of Honour
    The sermon emphasises that believers owe honour to God in various ways, including offerings, tithes, and worship.
    Scriptural References:
    Proverbs 3:9 – "Honour the Lord with your substance and the firstfruits of all your increase."
    Malachi 1:6 – God rebukes Israel for failing to give Him proper honour.
    Malachi 3:8 – The people are accused of robbing God by withholding tithes and offerings.
    Just as Abraham honoured Melchizedek with a tithe of all his spoils, Christians are called to honour God with their resources.
    4. Tithes and Offerings
    The Apostle explains that tithing is not merely an Old Testament command but an eternal principle tied to the priesthood of Melchizedek, carried forward into the New Testament and beyond.
    Abraham as a Prototype:
    Abraham’s interaction with Melchizedek serves as a model for New Testament believers. The giving of tithes demonstrates honour and recognition of God's sovereignty.
    Romans 4, Galatians 3 – Believers are heirs of Abraham's blessings and should imitate his example in giving.
    5. Consecration to God
    The Principle of Consecration:
    The second principle discussed is consecration, where the Apostle uses Exodus 13:1-2 to explain that the firstborn of Israel were consecrated to God because of His deliverance from Egypt.
    Connection to the New Testament:
    In the New Covenant, all believers are seen as the firstborn, consecrated to God through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 12:23).
    6. Honour and Consecration in the Age to Come
    Apostle Arome explores the continuity of these principles beyond this life.
    Will Honour Cease in Heaven?
    He asks whether believers will be released from their obligation to honour God in heaven, answering that honour continues in the age to come.
    Even in eternity, the principles of honour, worship, and giving will be expected.
    Scriptural Reference:
    Hebrews 7:17 – Christ remains a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, meaning His priesthood will continue in the new age.
    7. The Twelve Things Due to the King-Priest
    A key part of the message is that there are twelve things that Christians owe to Christ, the eternal King-Priest. Among these are:
    Honour (through offerings and tithes)
    Consecration (based on His right of purchase by His blood)
    The full list of twelve dues can be found in the Apostle’s other teaching: Seven Pillars of the Civilisation of Heaven.
    8. Final Thoughts
    The Apostle concludes by inviting listeners to reflect on their obligations to God in this life and the next. He stresses that the principles of tithing, offerings, and consecration are not bound by time but are eternal, just as the priesthood of Christ after the order of Melchizedek.

    Key Scriptural References
    Genesis 14:17-18 – Abraham meets Melchizedek and gives him a tithe.
    Psalms 110:4 – Melchizedek’s priesthood is eternal.
    Hebrews 7 – Jesus is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
    Proverbs 3:9 – Honour God with your substance.
    Malachi 1:6 – God demands honour and respect from His people.
    Romans 4, Galatians 3 – Believers are heirs of Abraham.
    Exodus 13:1-2 – The firstborn of Israel consecrated to God.
    Hebrews 12:23 – New Testament believers as firstborn.

    HOMEWORK: The full list of twelve dues can be found in the Apostle’s other teaching: Seven Pillars of the Civilisation of Heaven.
    Please, if you find it- post it here. Ive been searching for the over 30min- and I pray the Lord will reveal it soon to us… so we can complete the study.


    Media: Please, there was a little echo in the voice. Please kindly help with that. Also you can add the link to the message(s) apostle refers to in this teachings in the description box for ease of access. Thank you and God bless you.


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