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  1. Hey Jenn, this was a super helpful video! 🎉I appreciate your voice and passion.

    I would recommend you starting a Podcast, you have a great Tone of voice, that is relatable and easy on the ears. 👂

  2. Wtf should I do, I'm so tired of everything… Everybody says "go outside, if you want to make friends", but where? I go to the gym, taking walks, reeding books on a bench. I don't like to party, I like to just chill yk? For an example, I always liked it to just be in my own head while enjoying the company of someone I liked. I god damn know I'm not boring, everyone has his different interests, so as you. You are not boring, even if you can't find friends. With that said, I don't know how to make friends, I don't know where I can find some and I slowly but surely don't know what to do anymore

  3. This was actually really validating! I am really shy and tend to be socially avoidant and overthink social interactions afterwards, but I have learned to do almost all of these tips and do implement them. Makes me feel like I'm doing ok after all 😅

  4. ебануться блять, 3,27 миллионов подписчиков на этот пустой трёп…. 3 блять с лихуем миллиона… этож пздц какой бред

  5. Thx for the vid 😀 I'm going to a camp in a couple weeks with complete strangers and I'm an introvert with social anxiety but I also don't like being anywhere without someone like a friend so this will deffinetly help me make some friends 😀

  6. I have released that my problem is that I am so uninterested in other peoples lives (I mean people that I don’t know), that I can’t even fake being interested which leads me to not bother asking more questions about their life and the conversations just stop… (I think I’m so uninterested because of my depression which makes me feel like everything is pointless)

  7. i love this video. im on my way to a summer camp and i really want to make friends but i always just wait for them to come to me which usually never happens. i watched other videos but they were talking too much and making it boring. this one you got straight to the point and made it entertaining. thank you! 😀

  8. Can give a heads up to guys.
    We're builders. Make the convo about building up to something. Use that with all talking in your life.
    Eg. If I wanna do her hard in the ass I will say all the possitives towards her I have. Then how she wronged me and how I will punish her.
    Make a story everytime!

  9. To be honest, I think I don't have the courage to act, communicate and get close to people. I’ve been like this since childhood, it’s from my genes. Social awkwardness is a much more serious problem than it seems. I'm moving to 8th grade and still don't have a single friend, it's really hard… especially if it's in kind.

  10. (I like to save videos and then when something in a certain point of the video sticks out I make a note on why I saved the vid so ignore this comment)


    0:25 Self confidence vs self esteem

    small talk: 3:29 people are like onions, 3:59 people are like ovens

    Find commonality in questions: 4:40 ask "what neighborhood do you live in?", 5:18 examples to talk about, 5:26 ask "what are you drinking?"

    6:07 kinds of topics examples to talk about

    7:13 Be interested: 7:27 Genuinely listen for responding, instead of reminiscing on nervousness of what you will say next

    8:14 ambervert: being a little bit of introvert and extrovert (this is also me)

    8:55 if blanking, summarize what was talked about

    9:23 when you think there is an awkward silence, it's shorter than we think, ways to break the silence: 9:38 connect with the environment, 10:02 be honest with how you feel (10:42 shows that you are human/not perfect)

  11. I simply love you for this video. For years I was able to not talk to people out of fear. I really want to open up in my first job and I will use your advice. I feel better knowing that there are people who kind of understand it, but at the same time I wish that ppl would not have to feel the consequences of that kind of fears.


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