Trampled the movie is a story of us , a movie that truly educates the church and body of Christ at large , teaching love and …


  1. I was moved to watch the movie due to the title as I have been trampled for completely different reasons by church people ( I dont want to use the word ‘body of Christ’ for such people). I became more interested when all the big names were present and I was not disappointed. Good quality movie, well played. I Look forward to part 2 although, I already have an idea of what to expect. 🎉🎉🎉

  2. Amazing!!! Well crafted story with seasoned men and women of God in the Christian Movie Ministry. True picture of today's church where evil and unreasonable men and women operate the spirit of Jezebel without the fear of God.
    Lola wanted to get her pound of flesh from Pastor David out of envy and jealousy for marrying Rhoda instead of herself all the time being used of that spirit.
    The spirit also operating inside the church through some people who were very envious of Pastor David's ministry and anointing aggravated the satanic allegations through an obvious crack in the wall.
    All these brought about his outright dismissal from the church, rejections and massive hatred by all without any opportunity given to him to defend himself though he kept asking for mercy throughout the period except for Lola's brother who did not believe his sister's story.
    The envy in the End Time Church is alarming that sometimes I seriously wonder about the place of the FEAR OF GOD. The terrible thing about it is that it is paramount in the Leadership with all due respect.
    Why the envy and jealousy?
    I wonder!!! I truly wonder!!!
    May Almighty God have mercy on His people so that they will not labor and at the end be cast away.
    People should have eternity in their hearts in these last days. Now Lola suddenly told the truth because she heard that the man has died. What wickedness? If Pastor David does not revive that is it. She scattered his family, ministry and finally killed him. I believe she got some support from someone inside the church to perpetuate that evil. The whole truth will come out.
    Somehow I believe Pastor David will come around because the fingers were moving. Hallelujah!!!
    One thing that baffles me when a Christian is going through a rough wilderness experience is that it would seem as though God is silent but we all know He is working behind the scenes. There are many life lessons in the story.
    We must never give up. We have to keep holding on until He vindicates us like He did Joseph, Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys thrown into the fire.
    Isaiah 43:2-3. GOD IS ABLE.
    I can't wait to see what the part 2 of the movie will reveal.
    Good job!!! Please keep up the good work. More grace and greater heights.

  3. As ministers we must put every situation befor God. Do not be so quick to judge them without a clear answer from God. David was worned but yet he fall into the devil trap. Ministers be careful. There are three things that could bring you down if God don't help you. 1) Woman, 2) money, and popularity. Thank you solid Rock: great story.

  4. If you were David what would do, would you go back to the same church and it's member threw you out in the cold?, would you accept your wife?, what about the spiritual heads who openly rejected you after saying they believe you could not rape?.
    Indeed it is easy to forgive yet the most difficult is to FORGET

  5. God takes us back to your first love and this last will remain LOVE. Help us to be more interested in men souls than Reputation. Teach us love. Teach us YOU. Help us to see others better than us, help us to actually take and considered the body of Christ as our own family. take away condemnations from our heart. Help us Lord. That we won't conclude, judge, condemned on people's life, so that we won't ourselves fall into similar or same temptation.
    oh God teach the body of Christ the ministry of reconciliation. Take away the mentality of self-righteousness and been judgemental that we might see others better than ourselves and see one another with your eyes. Father help us to live with eternity in view. PREPARE us for RAPTURE. Father the truth is that most at time the people whom we judge and conclude are not the problem but we are because it only revealed what we have inside of us and because we know not. Build in us that intimacy with you that in all our doing irrespective of people surrounding us and their saying we will always inquire of you. Help us to totally depend on you that our steps, decision and everything we are will be ordered by you not our self interest. Thank you Lord because you are the God of second chance, irrespective of our falling in thoughts, words, actions you've still love us. Indeed LOVE HAS A NAME is JESUS.
    Thank you Lord, thank you holy Spirit for helping us to keep the secret of the kingdom and interest of our love ones, bearing one another, Thank you Lord.
    when it all been said and done, what next.
    Know God for yourself, so that in time of adversity will be of great strength to overcome. Thank you Lord


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