No one is exempt from going through trials. Like the heat and hammer of a forge that’s used to reinforce steel, trials test our faith …


  1. Thank you Lord for considering me.. ❤ Thank you Lord for your love and the hope that we received from this word. May it go forth and take root in our lives, accomplishing that for which it was sent. In Jesus name!

  2. Pastor Cora, today was my first time listening to your teaching. I always listened to your dad, but today something told me to click your video and thank God I did. Keep it up, the world needs your dad and you to keep leading us the children of God. Thank you for staying strong enough to remain a vessel for his most Holy word to us.

  3. AVP 👽
    I get … well both / see 🙈 ,I get that / but / mostly except for …mother More" most of church here was fake 🤥 / o k. / I'll take a step back / but I … keep a diligent eye 👁️/ yeah /


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