jesus #god #christian #atheist #apologetics In this video Frank Turek from @CrossExamined a FORMER Christian presses Dr.


  1. It’s amazing to me that in this modern age we still have people with their heads this far in the sand and believing religions. It’s like trying to debate flat earthers, Athiests and Scientists tend to come from a place of facts and proven predictions. Flat earthers and religious people come from a place of blind faith and bad science. No matter how many angles you throw out you get a rediculous answer back like some said below “humans can’t win because 2000 years ago Jesus died to absolve us.” Or “the Bible doesn’t condone slavery it only talks about it every other verse and tells you rules for handling and keeping your slaves but condone? No never.” The amount of delusional hoops religious people have to jump through to stay in their little echo chamber is mind boggling.

    As to the clip shown I bet the presenter and the host of this channel think they did a great job and sure showed Tony some real good proofs.

  2. Hahah…The idea of many gods plus their counsel came from demonology that originated in witchcraft which is basically a game that uses story telling and twisting it until the participants are satisfied with it's ending, it's a story game that's why it is written as scrolls. Hahah…It's a game of stretching a story like brain storming in movie making.

  3. Why is there so much use of the word "belief"?
    A belief is of value only to the believer himself.
    Only "knowledge" ever has any value for everyone.

    To base one's argumentation on texts written over 2,000 years ago by numerous unknown authors, trasncribed and translated multiple times as well as modified according to personal beliefs ad/orpersonal agenda is quite weak.
    Interpreting those texts is paramount to disinformation raised to the power of 3.

    If Terek is a doctor, anyone is!
    Defender of the faith?
    Since when TRUTH ever needed to be defended?
    It is like me.

    I Am Which I Am!

  4. This is what is get me when it comes to be truthful. When the non-Christian bring the text when Jesus Christ clearly said that he will be back before all the things that he's telling them not happen. Right away the Christians created excuses and excuses , they bring the subject of the 70 ada year, the fall of Jerusalem. It is very clear that Jesus prophecy that he was going to be back before all the things that he described it would ending happen. And that is the real truth on the Bible, and that didn't happen.

  5. If we use common sense we should based the truth on evidence. For a sample I have two cars, I can take you in front of those two cars, show you the paperwork that they are my cars and and you can see and touch these cars. The fact that people write things does not make that writing a true statement.

  6. What is hilarious, is that definitive answers are never given, most of the time they ask a question instead. The reason this is done, because they don't have an answer, they rely solely on the word of people long dead, that claim the wrote for god, when most of the bible is rehashed older stories from a different region.
    What many theists don't want to admit is the numerous things that were gotten so very wrong in the Bible, amd instead of addressing those, they turn to archeology studies of places and things! Instead of just proving their God exists, they deflect in so many different ways, amd that is because they can't prove this being exists at all, and they fear they live in for this is astounding!

  7. In the audience, as people listen to this conversation they'll learn from what both people say as they discuss these questions. I believe God uses every opportunity like this to draw people to Himself. Sceptics and people who want conclusive proof may never come to Christ but people in the room listening will hear God speaking to them and some(God willing) may be saved

  8. Give it up man, the bible as been torn to pieces, and they always come up with explanations why they said what they said, we live in the 21st century, it's all category grade A bullshit

  9. Pal you only believe in God because you are scared of death, when the lights go out they go out that's it, we're not that special mate, you like to thing we are but we are not….plus its not a case in I DONT WANT TO BELIEVE its just not true becaue I have an IQ above 75


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