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  1. I woke up at 3:20am today and I didn’t want to start my day by pressing my phone so i decided to pray first because I know I won’t be able to sleep back. Before I prayed, I remembered papas teaching where he said we should always praise God because it goes a long way so I praised and prayed. To my surprise, after praying, I felt sleepy and I slept.

    Not too long after I slept, I felt a pressure pressing me down and I couldn’t move. It wasn’t a dream neither was it physical but my eyes were closed. Whatever it was, I noticed I started speaking in tongues and I felt my mouth weakly moving physically which means I was a little bit conscious. The pressure of the pressing became intense that I shouted Jesus (not physically) then I got up. I was so weak when I got up. I prayed and then I realized that my right arm was extremely weak and almost paralyzed cos I wasn’t feeling it.

    In the morning, I went to church, not because of what had happened. I was so weak and cold that I couldn’t bath but thank God I brushed 🫣🫣🫣. While I walked to church, my arm was still weak and extremely weak.

    I joined the third service and while papa was teaching, he asked if we have ever been attacked after praying. I responded in my mind and he said “the reason is because, you prayed on empty stomach” hmmmm very true. I don’t even know when I read the scripture last 🫣🫣🫣

    Papa then gave us the cure to all sicknesses which was also the cure to what had happened to me.

    Now my testimony is that while the teaching was going on, I was so weak that I struggled to write with my hand and I had to lean on the wall while I was seated. But it occurred to me after the service was over that the pain was no longer there and my arm was completely healed !!!!!!

    Praise the lord!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have never given a testimony despite all that God has done for me but I won’t hold this back. I will say it till my last day on earth…

    GOD IS FAITHFUL….!!!!!!!


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