Mufti Menk Silenced an Entire Christian School with One Answer Sadaqah Jariah: ▻ Support us: …


  1. Those are some fair points but the most important thing is that salvation is only through Jesus Christ and his she'd blood, death and resurrection. He is the only way. Muhammad, Moses, Abraham, none of these Men can bring salvation. Only Jesus and his work on the cross. There's no other name by which man can be saved by through Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah and Lord.

  2. It is really true that Muslims follow a proper modest clothing than Christians themselves that doesn't mean Christianity doesn't teach modest dressing. Many Christian nowadays don't follow proper modesty but there are women who do dress modestly and that is their choice and we can't do anything. And again yes, We are not allowed to picture how Jesus Christ looks like because we don't know what Jesus Christ looks like but sadly many Christians including churches picture how Jesus Christ looks which is definitely wrong. BUT there is one thing – Both religions follow Jesus Christ but in completely different ways. Muslims consider Jesus Christ as prophet and Christians believe Jesus Christ is God and there is one answer which is Jesus Christ is God. With all due respect to Muslims, if you want to argue, you can, but you cannot change the fact… And I know it maybe hard to understand because there is no physical proof but our proof is our faith and miracles in our life. Anyhow this comment is not to force Muslims to convert it is just for understanding. And everything will come to understanding on the judgement day ! Amen

  3. There gay muslims.. but they know they get killed for it thats why yiu dont hear them. And those christians that accept homosexuality are not christians. They have been deceived we do not claim them remember that. Jesus is lord

  4. You don’t know every Christian sect ad how they dress , you just went there to boast not teach ! further more would your Masjid allow a Christian to talk to them ? ????

  5. Did this guy just compare himself to Yeshua simply because of a beard? Does he actually feel closer to god because he has a beard? YESHUA drank wine btw, muslims are not more Christians than Christians themselves because they still follow the old covenant

  6. I find it interesting because even the Roman Catholic Church may deem themselves to be 'Christian' but, sadly it is these kinds of churches that display images, etc, as Ismail mentioned.
    The bible prophesies against the Roman Catholic Church.
    So, just in case. I don't know by what authority Ismail is speaking by in attempting to put Christians in a false light this way.
    Using the model of Satan's church (ask any born again, protestant Christian theologian) to come against the truth as it is in Christ & His followers.
    It was Christ Himself, the Living Word of God, who has given us the words of prophecy in relation to these things.
    Also, respectfully.
    If Muslims truly keep the 10 commandments?
    Where's the Sabbath day commandment?
    Another fact.
    You may want to study it. Exodus 20 of the bible tells us what the commandments are as given to Moses.
    The 4th is to remember the Sabbath day! Or,… are you also going to break this commandment as did the Roman bishops?
    Google: The council of Laodicea!
    They officially (thought to: Daniel 7:25/prophecy) changed the 7th day Sabbath rest of God's creation (Genesis 2) to promote their Sunday so called Sabbath day.
    This is also the very sign that God is the true God because He created in 6 days & rested the 7th day, blessed it & made it holy!
    Science had no answer for the origin of the 7 day week,
    But the answer is in the holy scriptures of the bible.
    Peace to all & please don't allow yourselves to be deceived further.
    I've given you truth, as it is, from the inspired word of God & history itself confirming the same!
    Why is this important?
    Because the enemy of souls, the devil, could not destroy Christianity so instead used the old principle as seen in these words:
    " If we can't beat them? "
    " We'll join them! "
    Many former Catholic believers are coming to Christ, being born again spiritually in Him (for salvation/ He is the Saviour)
    and profess their faith as Christians today, I.e. Christ followers.
    Peace to all.
    I hope you may consider carefully what I have shared. J

  7. Mark 12:29 is a particularly clear reference to the oneness of God:

    • "Jesus answered, ‘The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.’"


    • Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."


    • Psalm 19:1: "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of his hands."


    • 1 Kings 8:27: "But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built!"


    Genesis 12:1-3: God calls Abraham to leave his homeland and promises to make him the father of a great nation.

    This is a pivotal moment in the development of the Abrahamic religions, emphasizing the worship of one God

    Abraham: The Patriarch of Monotheism

    Often regarded as the earliest prophet to explicitly proclaim the oneness of God, Abraham marked a pivotal shift from polytheistic beliefs prevalent among his contemporaries. While figures like Noah and Enoch likely held some concept of a supreme being, Abraham's call by God to leave his homeland signifies a definitive step towards monotheism.

    Historical estimates place Abraham's life between approximately 2000 and 1800 BCE. For millennia, his descendants adhered to the principle of monotheism, emphasizing righteousness through obedience to God's law and anticipating the arrival of a Messiah.

    This monotheistic tradition continued for roughly 2,000 years until the emergence of the Trinity doctrine. Formalised during Church councils in the 4th century AD (Nicea in 325 AD and Constantinople in 381 AD), the concept of God as three persons in one essence diverged from the strict monotheism upheld by Abraham and subsequent prophets.

    Older prophet never preach about trinity. Older prophet never preach about Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Where this belief come from?

    A Comparative Overview of Trinity-Like Concepts

    The transition from pagan Rome to Christian Europe was a complex process marked by the gradual assimilation of pagan elements into Christian practices. Many pagan festivals and customs were adapted or transformed to fit the Christian calendar and theology.. This religious landscape prevailed until the gradual adoption of Christianity as the empire's primary religion, a process that began around the 4th century CE.

    Roman Triads

    Rome was originally a polytheistic society, venerating multiple gods and goddesses. These deities were often grouped into triads, such as Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, which represented different aspects of life. While sharing similarities with Greek mythology,

    Hinduism's Trimurti

    Hinduism, another ancient religion, also features a triadic concept known as the Trimurti. This comprises Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. However, unlike the Christian Trinity, the Trimurti represents distinct deities with separate roles and responsibilities within a broader pantheon.

    The Christian Trinity

    Christianity, while emerging from a monotheistic Jewish context, introduced the doctrine of the Trinity, a concept of God as three persons in one essence.,

    The foundation for this belief is often traced to Matthew 28:19, where Jesus instructs his disciples to baptize "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." However, the authenticity of this verse and its intended meaning have been subject to scholarly debate.

    A Later Interpolation Many scholars argue that the concept of the Trinity emerged centuries after the time of Jesus and was grafted onto the original Christian message. The Trinitarian formula in Matthew 28:19 is seen as a later addition, inserted to support this developing doctrine.

    Quran 4:171: A Clear Rejection of the Trinity

    Quran 4:171 is a pivotal verse in Islamic theology, explicitly rejecting the concept of the Trinity. It reads:

    “O People of the Scripture, do not exaggerate in your religion beyond the truth. Do not say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah and His word which He conveyed to Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, 'There are three'; desist – it is better for you. Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of Affairs.”


    The Quran unequivocally affirms the absolute oneness of Allah.this align with other abrahamic prophet. This fundamental truth stands in stark contrast to the Trinitarian concept, which lacks clear scriptural foundation and contradicts the core message of monotheism.

    May Allah guide us to the straight path and protect us from deviation.

  8. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Two words are light on the tongue, heavy on the scales, and beloved to the Most Merciful: SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil-Azim." (Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him, Glory be to Allah the Great.)
    May Allah gather us all together in Paradise!🖤


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