Get to know the legend of the king known as Prester John, whose myth would impact the decisions of European leaders for 400 …


  1. See history of the Mozarabic rite, the Franciscan order, and the Franciscan custody of Jerusalem. St. Catherine of Alexandria pray for us and St. Monica of Hippo. Who did Solomon call to help build the first temple??? Lincol, Blinken, and the land of Nod… Use of Lincoln Rite of York. Santiago on the kings Rd. Hey 99.

  2. It ended for u anyway there are so many evidence about us u know we are the first Christian kingdom in the world who had so many places in the Bible and Quran and also historians found books that European rejected and ordered to be destroyed but we have it like a book of Enoch and others even the books u don't know to so maybe how we get it it may be when the Queen of shiba she get from dawit son king Solomon and also our kingdom was vast at that time but and the Queen brother jadereba was baptized and he taught the country and also he taught other places like hindi and Arab and African places and know u make our history like a fiction but u they deceived about Enoch they try to burn it and also they know who we are but they didn't include as on the problems what happened at that time but they believed it know and they interested in our books and like we know that the day will come but it will come this evidenced is enough but we don't care if the world believed or not we care about it turth that it holds atlist why don't they give back the book they stole from us like Italy did

  3. I was told some important people and they understand all, now the valid paper of this universe and inside of this universe all the good things is of one person, valid paper is now ready, but bank is doing delay.
    If paper not reached to that person on time then people will going to be mad slowly slowly one by one.

    under of that man, all will be good and continouly be managed. otherwise problem occured.


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