JGLM | Dominion Life Church Live Broadcast Worship this Week: “Praise” Words and Music by Brandon Lake | Chandler Moore …


  1. Another word in season. God bless brother Curry, I have been pushing out and seeing God heal but the enemy has me stuck on the homefront. Time to go house to house, I think.

  2. Making disciples: creating apprenticeship that take over the master

    When they hear you they hear me
    John 20.21. As the Father sent me, so send I you

    No need to be led. Just do it.

    Mk 16> preaching the gospel that Jesus preached as well as death, burial and resurrection

    The church has not advanced because we have turned to religious activity instead.
    Mt 28.20. No secret

  3. Sir, God is continuing to use you for His honor and glory. Thank you for your authenticity, you are one of a kind and God has anointed you sir, I love you so much. I listen to you everyday and I’m drawn to the Father more and more as I hear your messages. I wish there was a way to show you how thankful I am to God for you. God bless you sir.


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