We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. I pray for all the genuine ministers of the gospel all over the world ,that God will strengthen and uphold us strong that we may run out race and finish strong without falling away at the dying minute

  2. Hi everyone, I just feel I should share my concerns here.
    I have been following Apostle and by the grace of God, I have received encounters(physically and spiritually). But I don't know what's really happening to me.
    I ended a contract job February this year and since then I had been looking for a job (Oil and Gas Maintenance). July 29th, I was offered a job with six month probation notice. ( The nature of the contract states that either of us can terminate the contract with one month in lieu notice, or one month salary in lieu will be paid), only to receive a disengagement letter this morning stating that they would no longer continue.

    I can't even certify my own thoughts because I have been destabilized by the message.
    I called the Admin Manager and she said she was shocked too, but had to comply since the information was coming for the top.

    Right now I need help both spiritually and physically…. Any advice

  3. I hope folks got the hidden message in Apostle's message to intercede for the most consequential event for the US and the rest of the world in 2024 which is the upcoming elections! If the Liberals have their way, we will no longer have a country and the new world order will be in full force with Satan at its helm! We need to pray like never before and vote for righteosness!

    The battlelines are clearly drawn for us people! One platform stands for Godly and Judeo- Christian values. The other platform stands for every kind of abomination unimiginable where we now dont even know the definition of a woman, and children are being mutilated without parental consent! The destiny of the nation and the rest of the world hangs in the balance and God is calling us the intercessors to arise at this hour to stand in the gap! The church in America has been confused and the Lord has now sent his Simon of Cyrene from Makurdi to to wake us up and pray and guide us to the promised land! God bless you Apostle Aromi🙏


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