I had the privilege of catching an early sneak peak of this brand-new Christian movie and in this video I share my honest, raw …


  1. Saw the movie today. Ugly cried so many times watching the young man’s journey, and his mothers heart, and all the prayer warriors, and the many strong men that came around and taught, and lifted up this young man. The church is in desperate need of strong, faithful men to be role models for the younger generations.

  2. Also I suggested that Christians & Non-believers consider to see these movies.

    1. Left Behind Part 1, & 2
    2. Sunday Morning Rapture
    It's FREE to watch on YouTube.

    Also the movie: God is Not Dead we the people.

  3. You won't regret seeing this movie. Not the average, cheesy God is good production. The discipleship mission message, and the mention of the danger of being LUKE WARM as Christians. This really inspired me. Life is not about what we want as individuals. We are to serve and love one another…are you a disciple? Great! NOW…GO MAKE MORE DISCIPLES OF ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE…starting right at home. Thanks brother Alan, for this video!

  4. Mr. Parr, what about the people who are saved and orphaned and left to grow on their own, how fair is it that such people are expected to disciple others when they had not been discipled?😢 does it mean they are not saved?

  5. It was a great movie with a great message, but I wish the ending had been a little stronger because that’s the message that needs to be pounded as well. We can’t just be praying in our closets and in our churches we have to get out there in our communities in our streets, we have to be involved in our government. We have to be out there and they did emphasize that but not in my opinion. Overall, I love the movie.

  6. I’m trying to get my daughter son-in-law and their friend to go see this movie because all three of them are addicted to games and they spend just about every waking moment outside of work playing them and I see their house go messy thrown together meals all in the sake of gameplay. This is an addiction for real

  7. It appears that Allen may have been paid to promote this movie, just like he promoted the Mormon show the Chosen (in which he conveniently ignored mentioning Mormon ownership and interfaith ecumenism that the show entails)

    Please use discernment here, and don’t rely on what Allen says. There’s also no indication this is a Christian movie in the slightest.

  8. I watched The Forge last week. It was definitely one of the best movies I have ever seen. Cried through it all. Loved every minute of it. The young man was fantastic. Also Patricia Shirer and all of the actors were just outstanding.


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