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  1. Thank you heavenly Father for the food of our souls let you will be done heavenly Father and i pray for the grace to stay in your presence and power to bulid my faith stronger in JESUS Christ's name. More blessings to you brethren and our apostle 🇺🇬❤🙏

  2. No more manipulation to me in the name of miracles. I have gotten the keys to apply

    1. Through preaching the word
    2. Believe God for the miracle
    3. Always communing with the holy spirit
    4. Through yieldness to the direction and obedience to the holy spirit
    5. Persistent seeking in the place of prayer.
    6. Artmospher ❤❤

    Hallelujah 🙌 🙌 🙌 🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬

  3. Thank you Lord Jesus, I got healed of fibroid, after papa said we should place our hands were we needed Healing, and I placed my hand on my stomach, because I had fibroid for some years now, the fibroid is gone, Glorrrrrrry Glorrrrrrry Glorrrrrrry to Jesus. Hallelujah.


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