A lady’s ties with her father’s occultic background chains her to further frustration and delay in finding a life partner. Her quest to …


  1. Dear Holy Spirit keep on fire for you
    Ohhh my God we shouldn't despise even a 'small' sin – can hinder God's manifestation!
    Help me dear Heavenly merciful Father & deliver me from all canal excuses,
    In Jesus Mighty Gracious Name . AMEN

  2. Life is spiritual. We cannot fight spiritual battles with physical weapons. Love the song at the end. Great job everyone and may God continue to bless you all. ❤❤❤

  3. Truly Bro Dare, JESUS makes the Big Difference & Only Him can revive a dying soul indeed. Hallelujah 🎷! Glory to God Almighty! Àmen!! THE REJECTED STONE BECOMES THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE! Hallelujah!

  4. My testimony …and confession this movies just delivered me and my family. I had lied about my spending to my family members and this just made me repent of that sin that opened a door to the enemies to attack my HELP from GOD and a good relationship sent by GOD. GOD thank you for this movie and thank GOD for forgiving me. In JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN.

  5. Eiii🔥🔥🔥
    This is inspiring and powerful
    Jesus is lord and he's the only one that can save
    Once you're confused or sad quickly run to him for help oooooooo
    God bless this ministry ❤❤❤


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