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  1. I have to 2nd that AMEN! Such a simple and wonderful truth. We take so many "Christian" words for granted, we hear them so much but haven't really taken time to dig into their deeper meanings. I plan to gather my kids and have them watch this after school. 🙂

  2. Good points. Worship can be practical: "The man who makes a piece of notepaper to the best of his ability, conscientiously, concentrating all his forces on perfecting it, is giving praise to God. Briefly, all effort and exertion put forth by man from the fullness of his heart is worship, if it is prompted by the highest motives and the will to do service to humanity. This is worship: to serve mankind and to minister to the needs of the people." – Baha'i Thought

  3. Adding on to what Francis said:

    Love requires self-sacrifice.
    Love requires obedience.
    When we WORSHIP we have to do so from this standpoint – sacrifice of self and obedience for to worship HIM is to get down on our knees and love HIM and only HIM.

    So it isn’t about “being fed” or “do I like the music” or was the preaching great, but rather did I walk into his presence and now down in my knees and WORSHIP HIM!

    This is why for 2000 years the “worship service” was always fully dedicated to HIM. Prayers to Him, Reading of His Holy Scripture, sharing in communal prayers to Him, preaching about Him (for His glory, not ours) and for breaking of Bread so that we might consume HIM and have a personal encounter with Him!

    This is what the Catholic Church has done and still does now 2000 years later.

    If you do not experience worship this way – if worship just means singing, your church has lost what it means to truly worship Him.

  4. Good points. Today's worship style was invented in the early 1970's. The original Biblical worship had nothing to do with music since God is actually not impressed by our lips. The word worship in the Bible means to humble yourself in front of your Master and make yourself available to work serving Him. He wants us to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with Him. Worship then was something you did outside the church in your daily life to love God by loving your neighbor and all of His creation. Real worship is not what you do in church but what you do after church. Musical shows became acceptable in church recently and has turned many in fruitless spectators. As the Body of Christ we ought to sing it less, and live it more. God's love is not something to sing about but to live it out.

  5. Seeing that even the seventh day adventists are still without knowledge about the true worshiping them why I should blame Jews and SUNday worshippers?.
    Knowing verses and quotes saying that on the seventh day we will NOT bring God down inside our building to worship Him because the Holy GHOST bring our SPIRIT inside heavenly PLACES of the Sanctuary and this is why I still continue to ask myself if really exist any seventh day adventist able to explain Bible verses like John 4:23,24.
    Knowing all what the Bible and EGW said I still see the whole Christianity praying AND worshiping God in the front of the empty throne without knowing that beginning with 1844 God is sitting on the mercy SEAT inside the heavenly Sanctuary having the DIVINE Jesus only as man to meditate for men.
    For now we are still continue our sleep(Matthew 25:5) but will come also the time when SUNday law will be applied to fulfill Matthew 25:6 (Isaiah 60:1,2 Matt 5:14 John 16:13-15 Daniel 12:3,10) and beginning with this time the Holy GHOST will give seven times more greater holy SPIRIT(light-Isaiah 30:26) from the Bible for those who gathered oil inside their vessels in the time between Matthew 25:1 and Matthew 25:5.
    Sleeping in Matthew 25:5 cannot gather God’s infinite wisdom to put in darkness all Satan’s sons of darkness(Luke 16:8 Rev 14:8 Rev 18:2).
    But before I will write more about worshiping I will have to ask:
    WHY you dare to ADD the word WORSHIP in all your posted verses to support your deluded saying about DAILY worshiping ?.
    Because in Genesis 2:17 Genesis 3:3 Adam ADDED the word TOUCH caused doubts in Eve seeing God’s another creature TOUCHING…
    And as result of ADDING we are now in always greater tribulations and always greater delusions over the world.
    Never ADD any word so that the seven plagues will be not ADDED to you(Rev 22:18).
    Also because you will never find in the Bible any verse making daily meetings or prayer as worshiping.
    I can give you many verses to see God’s saints WORSHIPING without saying ANY word (to see prayer as worshiping).
    When you will be also able to show me any verse to see prayer as worshipping.
    Or any verse to see fellowship as worshiping.
    Or any verse to see breaking bread as worshiping.
    But please do that without ADDING the seven plagues over your head(Rev 22:18).
    About WORSHIPING we have the Old and New Testament making clearly WORSHIPING have to do with the only one PLACE and only one DAY decided by God to REST to WORSHIP Him.
    &Also in the New Testament we have verses like John 4:20-24 saying the same.
    Isaiah 66:23 make clearly that the seventh day will be as WORSHIPING day also in the eternally future.
    But let’s see what Jesus will have to tell us in John 4:20-24 about WORSHIPING.

    John 4:20  Our fathers WORSHIPPE in this mountain(place) and You say, that in Jerusalem is the PLACE where men ought to WORSHIP.
    John 4:21  Jesus saith to her, Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when you shall neither in this mountain(place) nor in Jerusalem shall you WORSHIP the Father.
    John 4:22  You WORSHIP ye know not what: WE know what WE WORSHIP, for salvation is of the Jews.
    John 4:23  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the TRUE WORSHIPPERS shall WORSHIP the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH: for the Father seeketh such to WORSHIP Him.
    John 4:24  God is a SPIRIT: and they that WORSHIP Him must WORSHIP Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH.

    Here in John 4:20 you saw the woman making clearly that for Jesus and His Jews Jerusalem is the PLACE where they are going to WORSHIP their God.
    &Luke 4:16 make clearly that ONLY ON THE SEVENTH DAY was going your RoleModel Jesus to this ONLY ONE WORSHIPING PLACE TO WORSHIP GOD).
    Not DAILY because against the ecumenical DAILY WORSHIPING we are commanded even in Decalogue saying:
    Exodus 20:9  SIX DAYS shalt you labour, and do ALL YOUR work:
    Then is to observe also John 4:22 where to glorify Jews WORSHIPING system made of only one WORSHIPING PLACE(Sanctuary-Temple) and only one WORSHIPING day of REST(Sabbath) Jesus used in John 4:22 the word “WE” to put Himself inside the Jewis WORSHIPING system saying in John 4:22 “WE” know what “WE” WORSHIP, for salvation is of the Jews.
    And then after glorifying Jews system of WORSHIPING in the same verse John 4:22 Jesus make clearly that OUR salvation is coming of Jews WORSHIPING system made of a Sanctuary as ONLY one WORSHIPING PLACE where ONLY on the seventh day was the Jews entered to WORSHIP God (because to come DAILY we’re as disobedience against the 4th commandment Exodus 20:9).
    But now knowing that WORSHIPING is made of ONE PLACE and ONE DAY decided ONLY by God we will need to understand the future WORSHIPING, the TRUE WORSHIPING announced by Jesus in John 4:23 AFTER He abolished in John 4:21 the only one WORSHIPING PLACE(in Jerusalem the Sanctuary-Temple).
    Only the PLACE was abolished in John 4:21.
    It is clearly to see that the only one DAY(the seventh day) was not abolished in John 4:21 and we have also verses like Matthew 24:20 making as totally impossible to abolish the Sabbath day.
    MANY Bible verses like Hebrews 10:19,20 Ephes 2:6 help us to see that in John 4:21,23 Jesus replace the earthly PLACE with the heavenly PLACE where WORSHIPING still continue Jews WORSHIPING system glorified by Jesus in John 4:22 as being OUR system of salvation.

    John 4:22 WE know what “WE” WORSHIP, for salvation is of the Jews…. of their system of WORSHIPING only on the seventh SABBATH(Hebrews 4:10,4 Genesis 2:1-3) after having in Hebrews 4:9 OUR daily sabbatismos given by Christ in Matthew 11:28 so that God’s SWEAR REPEATED for us in Hebrews 4:5,3,11 (Hebr 3:11,18).
    After fulfillment of Galatians 2:20(Rom 12:1) doing all OUR DAILY work(Mal 3:18) on the first SIX DAYS just as we are commanded in Exodus 20:9 we CANNOT sin anymore(1John 3:9 1John 5:18 Rev 14:12) AFTER OUR DAILY REST IN OBEDIENCE received in Matthew 11:28 to REST of having other gods and idols, REST of taking His NAMES in vain, REST of ignoring His presence on His meetings day of love, REST of ignoring our parents, REST of killing (with words), REST of all kind of adultery, REST of stealing (hearts), REST of all kind of lies(white&black), REST of coveting all what God did not gave you and also REST of all what the Laws told you to REST so that your DAILY REST received in Matthew 11:28 you will have as sabbatismos in Hebrews 4:9 to enter into HIS REST in Hebrews 4:10 as better WORSHIPER than the the angels who has broken the eternally state of REST in obedience(sabbatismos).
    In original Greek the first six days are called as days OF THE Sabbath since was days given to you as always a new chance to have in Hebrews 4:9 a better sabbatismos so that in Hebrews 4:10 you will have always a better Sabbath as always better WORSHIPER to show yourself as being always more compatible to replace one of the fallen angel who has broken the eternally state of REST in obedience.
    Hopefully now you was able to understand WHY is totally impossible to WORSHIP God DAILY.
    And referring to our WORSHIP which is possible ONLY on the seventh day and ONLY inside heavenly Sanctuary we have verses and quotes helping us to see that the Holy GHOST is the only one literally Person who bring our SPIRIT(our thinking) inside heavenly Sanctuary to WORSHIP God (in the time we are with our body here on earth).
    And referring our WORSHIPING God inside heavenly Sanctuary
    we have also verses and quotes telling us that being in full respect (also with our bodies) and in full admiration and adoration being in His holy presence TO WORSHIP Him on His only one day of REST(Genesis 2:1-3 Hebrews 4:10) we cannot WORSHIP Him coming to Him with a shopping list (as we make Him on our first six days of sabbatismos).
    On the seventh day of HIS REST being in His holy presence TO WORSHIP Him we can have as prayer ONLY blessings, praisings, thanks, admiration and fascination being honored to see yourself in His holy presence together with His holy angels.
    Studying God’s word you can see more details about how God is WORSHIPED inside heavenly Sanctuary.
    You will find also verses telling you that the WORSHIPING is starting with a moment of SILENCE when God admiring His creatures He start singing and then all WORSHIPERS start singing together with the loving God.
    Sadly to see the whole Christianity calling prayer as WORSHIPING even we have MANY verses about saints who WORSHIPED God bowing down without saying any word to be called as prayer.
    Hopefully from now on you will as totally insulting the ecumenical saying about DAILY WORSHIPING.
    Satan guide their minds to insisting for this ecumenical saying in the idea to convince the seventh day WORSHIPERS TO WORSHIP ALSO the Pope (as repetition AGAINST Daniel chapter 3 and as preparation for Daniel chapter 6 when we will be forced to REST only on SUNday for WORSHIPING).
    Because Satan know that WORSHIPPING ALSO on the day which the Pope gave as day of REST we will WORSHIP ALSO the Pope because he was the only one who gave SUNday as day of REST(received from his ancient pagans).
    We should do our best to study all about WORSHIPING so that we can remove even from our thinking the insulting saying that we can WORSHIPING DAILY and we should also cease to insult God calling our DAILY PRAYER AS WORSHIPING.


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