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  1. Amazing. In Mark 11:23-24 (You) (if you) is referred to 11 times in two verses, the same number as the chapter.(Emphasizing it's up to us) As Kenneth Hagin taught, answered prayer depends more on us then it does God, because God has already made up his mind. 2nd Corinthians 1: 20 says," All the promises of God are (Yes and Amen) in Christ" that settles it, God is willing. God proved He was willing (to meet all our needs) when God gave His only begotten Son (for us) while we were yet sinners, Romans 8:32 says, " If God did not spare his Son but gave him up for us, how will He not with his Son (freely) give us (all) other things? So the question is no longer, "is God willing" the question is are we willing to believe, and are we willing to obey (act on) the instructions in Mark 11:23-24-25 (given to us) by the Master himself, or will we hear, "Why do you call me Lord,Lord and do not the things I tell you to do" (Luke 6:46) Blessed are all those who believe that Jesus said what He meant and meant what He said, and therefore they apply these principles into their lives. These are the things Kenneth Hagin taught us, so clearly and simply, that we would have to hire a lawyer to help us misunderstand his teachings. Thank God for Kenneth Hagin and his ministry, which is still bearing fruit to this day.🙏

  2. Km MMB km NM km hhmm mm nn̈hh hn hh nun nhn hnnhnn hnhnnh
    Lhhhnhnnhn̈nhhn nhnhn̈hhn̈hnnh
    hnhnh mummy h hh knight hin hhnn̈hh NH km nhj
    hh bhhh
    Hh hhhnhh hhhn lgllvglgllgg0llglvjglllggljlgglggllvlgllvlgllgglglglljlgggglglljg9lvlvlgllvlvlglglghglglglvhglclgll jvlg0glvlllglvllvvivlglllgljvllvlllgllglgvvlg9lgllgvllgllglgllglvllvllvly vllvlllgglgllvlvllvlvglgllvlvgvlv0vllvlvljgllglvllglglgvllgvllllglllgllvlvgglvlvllgllglgvvllglglglvlglgll ylgvllvlgllvlvlllglg0vllvlknlllg0vljgvvlvlv0lvlvvlglglgvvvglgVlljvvlvllgllglvgvgvllgllvghllgglggvllllvlglgllglgllvvlvllvllvlvllvvlgllvllll8vllllgglvlllglgllglvllgllvllglglglllvllglvlvlgllllvgllglllglvlvvllgllgllgllvlglvlvjglgllvlgllllgllghllg

  3. I M loving this preaching !!! Bro having is being used by God!!! My faith is going through the roof!!! I am receiving the promises of God!!! God's got our houses, he's got our cars!! He's got our church!!! In Jesus name!!!

  4. Praise be unto GOD, today is monday and few moments after i finished watching this message by GOD'S Servant Pastor Kenneth Hagin my investments grew so that what i make in 3-5 months, i made in less than 30 minutes, PRAISE BE UNTO GOD MOST HIGH IN JESUS NAME, AMENNN, i speak more and more finances into existence, in billions of dollars, in JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMEN and no weapon formed against GOD'S People and their finances will ever prosper in JESUS MIGHTIEST NAME, AMENNN!!!


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