Unlock the secrets to a successful marriage with Dr. Kingsley Okonkwo in this insightful and engaging video, “7 Ps of Marriage.


  1. Today I get to be the educator

    1. Purpose. Why do you want marriage. A. For 2 people to complement each other. B. For a man to have vision and a woman to be the capacity to remind. Joel 2, Acts 2

    2. Person in the marriage. The team called marriage is tied to the quality of the team members. It takes 2 intentional people to build a marriage. The energy you use to break the marriage to your spouse, you will need less to build your marriage.

    3. Prepare for marriage. Counselling, reading about marriage books and materials, have marriage mentors,

    4. Principles of marriage. For men love your woman in every situation. For women respect your husband in every situation.

    5. Priority in marriage. Your spouse is your priority. Men cleave and woman desire.

    6. Partnership. Do everything together. Seek synergy (The sum total of our combination is greater than our individual sum)

    7. Project of marriage: build your partner. As a man Cultivate and groom your wife. As a wife help your man. Make sure your partner becomes whatever he/she is called to be.

  2. 1. Purpose of marriage
    2. Person in marriage
    3. Prepare for marriage
    4. Principles of marriage
    5. Priority in marriage (your spouse should be your priority morethan anything parents children or work)
    6. Partnership in marriage
    7. Project of marriage ( building each other as a man take responsibility to build your partner same as a woman ❤


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