brganalysis #apostlejoshuaselman #archbishopduncanwilliams The sword handed to Joshua Selman and Jerry Eze by …


  1. When you talk a lot like Selman,he ends up exposing himself!
    When I heard Selman talking about late Kubos who chases strange anointings from graveyards being his mentor and the same Kubos receiving power,tongues etc from Late TB Joshua,I knew this is another false prophet and Charlatan doing harm to the church using YouTube!
    Judgement is coming!

  2. I have been following you for long and truly u are studying but if only people could understand the wisdom in what u analyze they will truly see the mysticallity behind this people

  3. This is actually unscriptural 1 Cor 4 :3 says to judge nothing before it's time.

    I have never really been directly under the ministration of Apostle Selman but this much I can say "God used his message for my revival

    I stand for the Apostle any day until the one she reveals the secret things show up.

    Who appointed you for this work sef😂

  4. Why sword. can't he just pray for them. did Jesus give All his disciples physical swords. even you the presenter u're freemason Media agent, u're from ur logo we know. please repent and accept Jesus Christ as ur Lord and savior. as for Selma MENE, MENE TEKEL UPHASIN. TELL HIM HE WILL UNDERSTAND.

  5. Joshua Selman should be sensitive enough not to collect that yeye sword. He has ridiculed Christ openly. It is better to please God than please men. I believe they have done a lot closed doors before they could do this publicly. Those who follow preachers blindly should be careful.

  6. There is no scriptural backing for the sword presentation. Nine at all.l pray that these young preacher s will repent and return the swords.
    Archbishop Duncan Williams is an agent in disguise.

  7. My brother you so accurate with your analytical and only those with spiritual eyes will be able to realize and accept the truth,these pipo so called apostles, prophet etc, they usually blind there members so to them it won't make sense ,it is very difficult if your friend tells you that your dad or mum are satanic because the first thing they have done is to blind there children and so are same with these pipo they blinded, keep the good work am following very well.

  8. I love Apostle Selmab too much and still prayed for him that God will uphold him not to derail cos he has being a blessing to me. There are alters that when you clumb it may drain Gods grace upon your life. If i will advise Joshua Selman my mentor, pls sir stand on the word if possible aline. Be careful of alters you clumb. The so called fathera of faith you are talking about might not be as they seem cos you cant verify what theyve entered into. Illuminatis are recently targetting social media influencers like you. No disrespect and im in no way saying theyve bought you over. Its just a general atatement. The question imbasking is has sword replaced the bible or the name and blood of Jesus? Is it the sword that should go with you or the name of Jesus. Atvone point the pastor saud letvthe sword of the arch bishop fight for you and laterbchanges it to the sword of God. This is broad day idolatary. Arch bishop Dyncan W. said his son didnt outshine him. Im sorry i dobt understand. What if he carriea a higher grace. Paul came last to Jesus Apistle but did the most work and wrote the most books in tge bible. This people are making themselves God of men and not men of God. They love honour too much.
    My advise is that we should uphold the teaching of Hebrews 12:2… Looking ynto Jesus

  9. Somebody CANNOT become a member of the Freemason just by receiving a sword, people! Mind you,these people are actually the elites and have strict rules that guide them! There's a video where a member installed a secret camera to let the outside world know how initiation actually happens. Duncan might be an agent, I don't know, but just giving and receiving a sword cannot make these men Freemason members. I think we need to pray for them that they loose not their place with GOD by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit concerning who invites them and where!

  10. I am for God alone the real God of heaven anyone that is not of God, my spirit don’t accept their teaching . May God bring his sons who has deviated back to him in Jesus name.🙏🙏🙏🙏

  11. Dear 'Christians'. Please open your eyes and question why 'powerful men of God' do not come in the REAL Hebrew Name of the 'God' of Israel. With all the truth on the internet….why are we so blind and perishing for lack of knowledge? From the beginning, Joshua Selman has preached and will continue to preach the wisdom of the serpent. That is his calling so let's open our spiritual eyes and ears and stop being canal.

  12. Wow something I learned today is that we need to grow a relationship with God in isolation before we attend this gathering. another thing is that we need to ask God for the spirit of discernment! The God news is that if we seek Jesus in truth and spirit we will find him! This is Sad🥹🥹🥹

  13. The devil is a liar! He came to kill, steal and destroy. Some of the pastors initiate Other pastors and gospel musicians without them knowing. It takes the holyspirit to.let one know that giving swords to pastors is secretly initiating PEOPLE into secret society


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