The Story of Ruth – Inspired by the scriptural tale. Moabitess priestess Ruth is drawn both to a Judean man and to his talk of a …


  1. This is not the story of Ruth, No where in the bible does it say Ruth was a temple slave when she met her husband. No where in the bible does it say Ruth almost took part in sacrificing a child. She was a Moabite but that is all we know of her pagan life. We are Not to Add to the Word nor Subtract from it.
    The Word is sufficient on its own.

  2. Hollywood got this story almost right. Just embellished a bit. But at least they used God Almighty's name Jehovah and not the title where his name is said. Other Hollywood movies that made films on Bible stories, use LORD or Lord in place of his personal name. If we have personal names, why can't God Almighty? His name in the Holy Writings is mentioned over 7,000 times. I would think he wants his name known. Thank you for person who posted this film!

  3. Do you know that Ruth became King David's great grandmother? Jessie was Ruth's grandson then he became David's father. Ruth is in the lineage of Jesus. Read the book of ruth and the genology in Matthew, chapter 1.

  4. yahweh adornai elohim jehovah God is Able ❤❤Victory freedom favours peace of mind protection more wisdom knowledge and understand successfully in my business Happy family good children good wife good husband good luck good everything good best business confirm Amen Amen

  5. @Bible with Belle…Thank you! In 1960 I was 16 , and deeply in love; in 1961, married and with child; I never saw this movie. Now, 64 years later, I am a Hebraic roots Christian, with a friend in Sedona who painted a beautiful picture of two women,; when I saw it I told Dee W. that she should name the picture "Ruth and Naomi " . I could not afford the picture , but I never forgot it. AND , now , the story of the Book of Ruth in my Bible has such a deeper meaning to me for so many reasons! As a Gentile Believer, I believe the world is coming to the end of the Days of The Gentile Church. "Ruth and Naomi" are the beginning of that story through Boaz and Ruth and King David. The gift you have shared with us is beyond measure in my humble opinion. Yes, very 'of the 60s' , but it will send me back into a study of "Ruth" with new eyes. AGAIN, Thank you Ms. Belle.

  6. Thank you for this great movie sweet Belle! I just subscribed to your channel. We just started to watch it as a family, but we will have to finish to watch it tomorrow if the Good Lord wiling. Blessings to you from our family! 🙏🏼 ❤

  7. 65TH Anniversary coming up next year, and theatrical re-release will be in high demand.
    Every last one of the remaining one-screen drive-in as well as walk-in theatres in this nation deserves to show this movie on the theatre screens for its 65TH Anniversary as part of its theatrical re-release next year.

  8. It doesn’t line up with the Bible account. There’s nothing said about Ruth’s childhood. Just that her husband died. She was a moabitess. People need to read that short sweet account of her in the Bible. Ruth was the grandmother of King David and in the lineage of Jesus.

  9. The story of Ruth is one my bible story. I seen this movie old classic of 1960 few times since I was young girl. I am 60 years old and still love to watch it again and again. Thank you for sharing with us. God bless you!

  10. 8 minutes…I always thought it was so Sad and Awful that he left Bethlehem with Naomi and his Sons to Move to Moab and Make Objects for a False God! 😮 But literally the Crowns to be Worn on the Sacrificed Children?! 😭


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