“Speaking in Tongues or Babel: A New Age Hustle?” Description: Explore the controversial phenomenon of speaking in tongues …


  1. The tongue being the smallest organ will be people's worst enemy.
    But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned. MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 12:36-37 את 🙌🏼👑

  2. This time reminds me of a ball of rubber bands…such a time as thys on thys 1…the people AHAYAH has you speaking to have a weight in their lap… pray for them TSCAL as I lift you up in intercession…the whip and rod is needful at tymes…

  3. Youve been pretty clear and thorough so far…stay that way stay humble…this lesson was necessary…if any of whats going on should be taken personal that should be by HE WHO IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE…


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