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  1. No weapon formed against my daughter praise shall prosper, she will be taught by the LORD and great will be their peace, darkness, missing, rejection you have no seat in my daughter praise life,I cover her with the precious blood of Jesus christ, she's hidden in the secret place of the most high God and she's safe in the mighty name of Jesus christ

  2. Horrible horrible music pounding🤭🥱🤨🧐 on piano I can't hear a word u say U ok git rid of that pounding on piano how stupid tryen to win the world with that stupid music what is wrong with ur God can't he show u how to match ur voice with correct melody to what u saying 🤪the world smarter than his people in melodies🧐🤨 change ur sounds u run people away with stupid pounding 🤭

  3. Get rid of loud scrambled piano this sicking I can't hear what ur trying to say🤪stop that freaken piano it's baning way to high drowning out what ur saying I can't hear u dude 🤭🧐🤪

  4. Oh God show me mercy, guarf, protection, financial prosperity, case out my court case, I am a winner, fight for me with vegence, built-up my spitual life, I pay attention to my health, my kids health, financial freedom, I love you, I decreed and declare I will win this case, cover me and my kids, my siblings and family with the blood of Jesus,Amem


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