Top Christian Worship Songs 2024 ~ Playlist Hillsong Praise & Worship Songs Send your submissions: …


  1. The living God is always with you. But the Holy Spirit must come in you to be saved. Our body is the church where the Holy Spirit will live. We must keep Jesus' commandments and keep our hearts clean. Please save my soul until Jesus answers with His Word keep on praying 🙏❤❤
    When I was tired, I cried and prayed to be saved. Jesus met me and said, "I'm going to save you." Since then, I have stopped drinking and my family has changed. My family got out of depression and became energetic and harmonious. The disease is healed.
    Jesus met me and said, "This is your father. It's not your fault! You did a great job holding it in. You're back where you belong. Thanks for finding me. Trust me and follow me. Trust me completely so you can live. Love Jesus with all your heart." You can meet Jesus too! Jesus is waiting for you to come. Jesus is not a religion, he is God. Jesus is infinite love. amen❤️🙏

  2. Jesus' love is salvation.❤❤
    The Holy Spirit said to tell you,
    "Do not make me (Jesus) lonely, there are many who attend church, but no one finds me wholeheartedly. There is no salvation without the Lord. Church service without the Holy Spirit is meaningless. It is for your own sake. Always be careful of pride and arrogance. Only when you repent wholeheartedly and your heart is clean will the Holy Spirit come and be saved. The moment when you pray is a happy time for me. I'm listening to your prayers. but there is an order in your work. Your heart is important. You must dwell in me first. Find me with all your heart and love me. How can I like my son when he treats his father poorly? I feel everything, too."

  3. I was an atheist because I was born in a non-religious household but that was until I found Jesus and I started getting into the Bible at first it didn’t stick to me and I ended up sinning again and again until I started to realize that Jesus sacrificed himself for me even before I was born and I started getting into the Bible again and I stopped sinning and decided that until it’s judgment day I will live like a Christian and read my bible, pray, and worship Jesus.

  4. Hello, I am Logan. I have been in and off the streets. And I’m not addicted to hard drugs. I am longing for donations to help me stay off the streets. I’ll take any donations but monthly donations help the most even if it’s just 5 dollars. Leave your email below if you want to donate and leave the amount you’d like to donate and I can send an invoice. Anything helps

  5. When I was younger u had cancer. Just before I got cancer, my grandma, the one I loved more than my mom herself. my grandma, had passed away from the same cancer I was battling, multiple myeloma. I fought for years! I was ready to give up but than I fell alseep one night and I woke up in the middle of the night to god tapping my shoulder and hugging me, beside him was my grandma. God said “My child, you will be healed in the next week. There is no need for you to join your grandma just yet, goodbye my child.” The next week I was cancer free!

    I love you Jesus!

  6. im native american and was adopted as a baby by a white family that loved me and gave me opportunities that without them, I dont know where I would be in life. They brought me to church and showed me gods love. I am forever thankful for them and I love them and will continue spreading the message of jesus christ our savior. I think as americans we all went through so much but our religion helped bring us closer. i never want to let that go. thank you


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