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  1. Thanks for a good conversation. Though I hear Brenda talking negatively around capitalism. And none in the podcast points out that without capitalism which generates tax money, that there will be no money för anything you want to do to help women. You should all read "Capitalist manifesto" by Johan Norberg. /Love to you all from Sweden

  2. The pro abortion advocate’s argument is incoherent. I’m not sure if she is being dishonest because she claims to be Christian but even though she hates abortion she wants it readily available. I hope she really takes the time to test and challenge her own presuppositions because she struggles with the fundamental premise of her own argument.

  3. 13:34

    I'm just having a hard time understanding how they can think about a fetus as anything but a human baby. Abrton literally ends a heartbeat, I'd call that violent. That procedure, by definition, would be direct violence against a life.

    Not trying to be rude to the pro-abrton people but I just don't understand.

  4. Let's see whether the blonde with the pink pants would agree if her boyfriend would use a pressure washer to wash the baby out of her womb, because he feels that he can't sustain the babies life anyway. He just lost his job for instance. He arguments are as lame as mine is at best.

  5. On the basis on Genesis 2, we can say that life begins at the very least by first breath. Whether a fetus is truly alive prior to exiting the womb is a question for science and philosophers that is unfortunately not spelled out in the Bible. However, on the basis of Exodus 21, we can say that Scripture recognizes a difference between a life that is taken after first breath, and the potential life that is lost through miscarriage—the former being punished far more severely than the latter. Finally, we can argue that the termination of pregnancy was lawful in some cases when a woman was unfaithful to her husband. Whether such a teaching is ethical and what extent (if any) it remains applicable today is debatable.

  6. All of those resources Lila talks about isn't avaiable to all women. All of the resources for poverty stricken families are backed up and can't help many. Also Pro lifers want to close down all Planned Parenthood which are amazing organizations. I was on my own at 15 yrs old and pregnant with no healthcare and Planned Parenthood gave me prenatal care through my pregnancy and gave me free birth control after my daughters birth. They also have classes for anyone to learn about birth control and most pro lifers want to take away free help for pregnant women who can't afford care ans are usually Christian and Republican which vote against the aide to help poverty stricken families. They are pro birth not pro life.

  7. 1) if someone quotes the Bible but doesn’t tell you where, don’t believe them. Go search for it and cross reference but someone who says “well the Bible says” then doesn’t say where and quote it, immediately loses credibility. People twist the Bible too often. Including Satan.
    2) Gods pro life. Simple.
    3) preparation is key. You cannot say this is my opinion but not be able to answer simple questions because of “words”. I never say I believe X Y or Z unless I can defend it. Or be honest and say I haven’t looked into that part. And then I cannot show up to a debate and expect it to be easy.

  8. I think everyone is "pro life" kinda "by default" and in general noone wants to kill babies also "by default" BUT at the same time can not force a woman to go trough pregnancy and delivery and become a mother if she doesn't want to. So for me is not the abortion that needs to be forbidden and made illegal but to minimize the reasons why they would eventually want it – like the lack of knowledge, information, finances, support, maturity, health care, even life values or whatever other reason. Also the prevention of unwanted pregnancy should take a big role here, because is way easier to be careful to not get pregnant instead of making abortions, give babies for adoption or become a mother without wanting it. I know women who did abortions, and I know that they had their reasons to make it and is not mine or anyone else's job to judge them or to forbit them to do it.

    Hopefully there would be less women put in the situation to make such choice.

  9. You can’t be a true Christian and be pro all the things Jesus is against and calls an abomination do you truly believe if you stood in front of Jesus today that he would agree with everything you stand for? If not then you can’t call your self a Christian I’m not judging anyone who does choose to do these things but we should not use the name Christian so loosely

  10. I would just like to say Lila presented so many facts. I’m 14 and pro life.I have pro abortion parents and I think if they watched this it would change their minds. Lila rose and other pro life (and even some pro abortion) organizations convinced me to be pro life and I cannot thank them enough! Great job Lila!


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