Do you wonder what the story of Easter is all about? Discover how Jesus changed the course of history in this movie about his life!


  1. (English Text below)
    ΔΕΝ ΥΠΗΡΞΑΝ ΠΟΤΕ ΤΕΤΟΙΑ ΔΡΩΜΕΝΑ ― εἶναι ἀκατάσχετα ψεύδη προκειμένου νὰ πλύουν τὸν ἐγκέφαλο τῶν ἄξεστων ϗ τῶν ἠλίθιων. Σκοπός ἡ ἐξουσία.
    Εἶναι ἡ σκοτεινότερη ἐγκληματική ὁργάνωση τῇ ἱστορίᾳ τοῦ Ἀνθρώπου.
    ΚΑΝΙΒΑΛΙΣΜΟΣ, ΚΛΟΠΕΣ ΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΙΔΙΟΚΤΗΣΙΑΣ, ΣΥΚΟΦΑΝΤΙΕΣ, ΔΙΩΓΜΟΙ, ΑΙΣΧΑΤΑ ΨΕΥΔΗ Ϗ ΠΛΑΝΗ ― ὅμως τὰ κατωτέρου ἐπιπέδου ζῶα, ὅπως οἱ χριστιανοί, ἔχουν ἀνάγκη τὸν ἀπὸ μηχανῆς θεό ― κάτι σάν κλωτσιά στὸν κῶλο ὅταν βαριέσαι νὰ βαδίσεις.


    THERE HAVE NEVER BEEN SUCH ACTIONS – there are uncontrollable lies in order to brainwash the uncouth and the idiots. Their purpose is ruling the world.
    It is indeed the darkest criminal organization in history of humanity.
    CANNIVALISM, INTELLECTUAL THIEVES, THEFT, Slander, Persecution, Rebellious Falsehoods and Deceptions –


  2. Jesus you helped my alot my parents are divorced (yes im 8 years old) and have a brother with a rare disability but now my mum anc dad are friends and my brother is doing well.praise the lord hallelujah ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. @TheLifeofJesus God's Urgent Message to the World: For all Peoples of all Nations who are in Christ. Turn off all power for 3 days of darkness this Saturday, Sunday and Monday 6th, 7th and 8th of April 2024. Lock all doors. Pray for Divine Mercy. God Bless you all. No candles.

  4. Jesus saves me, brought me out of darkness into his marvelous light, give me a beautiful ❤️ future,a strong faith and brand new life,I will forever live to Glorify him.
    I love 💕❤❤❤💝💞💕💟💓😍🥰 you Jesus.

  5. Thr Lord is the one true God. Jesus Christ is the way. Even as I see no hope for this world he does. And that’s what I believe in. He does not lie. He has saved me . I pray to him to lead me in his ways. To forgive, to love everone. To feel the Holy Spirit always in me. My path was dark so was my end till I opened my eyes and my ears to ear. I am a sinner but I repent and ask him daily to forgive my sins. I ask him everday to chase more of the evil in me away and fill me more with him. To the light out of the darkness. Thank you Lord Jesus AMEN ❤

  6. Everyone who thinks or feels God doesn't care, is indifferent and or mean etc ….

    Why is the world as it is, evil everywhere… 

    where is God and His faithfulness…

    God does judge sin which is evil and if people don't stop sinning they will die for that disobedience,that sin. When God said if you take from that tree you will die He was saying if you disobey, you sin, I will punish that sin because God does punish it, sickness, demons and death. And if you keep sinning I will punish you to the point of death, is that punishment. Sickness is a consequence of sin and it is a judgement God makes upon the people for their sin. All sickness takes its toll on the body and will result in death unless you stop sinning and that brings a reward from God for the righteous decision to stop sinning that brought that illness. Throughout scripture God tells us these things. God does love and there is mercy in His punishment too. He chastises those He loves. His wrath doesn't mean He doesn't love,  it doesn't mean there is no mercy, it means He puts His law first and He obeys it first. He punished sin and then punishes sin and so forth and if someone doesn't stop sinning or sins more then that judgment is death just as He said, sin is death. Scripture says we are all responsible for working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Seek scripture, learn who He is and what He said to obey and do it. if you obey Him you live in blessings just like Deuteronomy 28 says and it also says disobedience is curses, that's sickness, demons possibly and again to continue in sin results in death. 

    God told all the details, and paid for us to get out of sin and how we should live and when people don't live righteous then the world looks like it did in the days of Noah, violence, drunkenness and such lovers of self, pleasure and all sin and life apart from God, life in disobedience to God. Why should He bless sin? He punishes it then punishes sin more if someone keeps sinning. Is it tough people die from that choice they make, their sin and lack of seeking God to obey what He said, yes it hurts. How do you think God feels, He loved the world so much He gave His only begotten son and Yeshua died in agony for us to be out of that sin, taking God's wrath upon Himself so how do I think He feels, grieved so grieved but I know from scripture He always obeys what His word says, He never changes and that includes every word He said. Now Yeshua took God's wrath upon Himself for our sin Isaiah 53. We get peace with God and can come before Him to be heard and we get to be cleansed from our iniquities, sin. Just like the lamb sacrifices in the old testament Jesus was that for us a peace offering and forgiveness offering. We get freedom from that sinful past, from that sin and we get our healings because His stripes healed us from the consequences of sin. 

    He gave us a way out. A way to start again out of that wrath. How loving is that God gave us His son who took God's wrath for us out of love. How loving just how loving is our God who made a way for us to be out of that wrath? Wrath we deserved by our sin and continued sin. But God so loved the world He gave us Yeshua. Yeshua gave His life to rise to life for us to give us new life. A new creation to begin again a new life, having been born again. Having received forgiveness for sin and a pardon from God's wrath, that very wrath you talk about. But God gave us a way out of His wrath when Yeshua our lamb paid for our sin. Again how loving is that our way out of God's wrath. Our new life. Our second chance to live rightly before our Holy righteous God our being born again to live right because God planned for us to not all receive His wrath yet His son for everyone, one for everyone and a way out, pardoned and free to live life righteous whole healed delivered, how loving oh so very loving that is. All that is in scripture too. Seek and find, learn who He is and obey and see more of it. Mark 4:24 the more you obey God the more He reveals to you, it means that. Matthew 6:33 live it daily and understand who He is and just how loving He always is and honestly how loved you are will be seen felt and KNOWN too. 💕 May you come to understand Him all your days seeking and finding and growing in the knowledge of God in Yeshua's name 💕


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