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  1. Saints, kindly help me pray for two friends, one with brain tumor and another breast cancer. Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. They are not believers yet , thus let us pray for their salvation too. Amen

  2. I was in many of Bro Branham’s meetings from 1961 – 1965. I saw the life of Jesus Christ manifested in a man by the Holy Spirit. It is promised in Ephesians that we are predestinated to be adopted sons, manifested sons of God. He was a wave sheaf waved over us showing that by the Holy Spirit we shall have the same life of Christ living in us by the same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead.

  3. William Branham powiedział: "Ani przez chwilę nie przynoszę ludziom przesłania, że mogą pójść za mną, przyłączyć się do mojego kościoła lub założyć jakąś społeczność i organizację. Nigdy tego nie robiłem i nie zrobię teraz. Nie interesują mnie te rzeczy, ale interesują mnie sprawy Boże i ludzi, i jeśli uda mi się osiągnąć choć jedną rzecz, będę usatysfakcjonowany. Tą jedną rzeczą jest ustanowienie prawdziwej duchowej relacji między Bogiem a ludźmi, w której ludzie stają się nowymi stworzeniami w Chrystusie, napełnieni Jego Duchem i żyją zgodnie z Jego Słowem.

  4. William Branham said: “Not for one moment do I bring a message to the people that they may follow me, or join my church, or start some fellowship and organization. I have never done that and will not do that now. I have no interest in those things, but I do have an interest in the things of God and people, and if I can accomplish just one thing I will be satisfied. That one thing is to see established a true spiritual relationship between God and men, wherein men become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word."

  5. Hi Brothers and sisters in Chirst, please pray for me as I'm going through a very difficult time in my life and believe God will take control of my situation. Would appreciate your prayers 🙏

  6. Brother i am anthony maru Diana. My age 37 yrs.Brother please pray for me and baby. I am 89 days pregnant .my NT scan. Subserousal fibroid with cytic egenarative changes 63.5× in ant.myometrium .Brother please pray for me and my baby. And my husband Rajkumar. He is unbeliber.everyday fightting me. No peacefull of my ming I am very worried me…

  7. Brother i am anthony mary Diana. My age 37 yrs.Brother please pray for me and baby. I am 89 days pregnant .my NT scan. Subserousal fibroid with cytic egenarative changes 63.5× in ant.myometrium .Brother please pray for me and my baby. And my husband Rajkumar. He is unbeliber.everyday fightting me. No peacefull of my ming I am very worried me…


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