Embarking on the journey of marriage is a profound commitment, and laying a strong foundation is crucial for a successful …


  1. 1 be contend with yourself and be able to walk away from the relationship.
    2. Once married, there's no room for divorce. Divorce is not an option
    3. When angry or upset, talk, don't sulk.
    4. No quarrels. We can't both be angry at all.
    5. Exchange parents and only intervene when there's a problem
    6. Joint account and joint accountability.
    7. Look out for each other. The other person is responsible for the other's well-being.
    8. The marriage must be Word-ruled.
    9. No password or no secret. Know each other's passwords and have each other's accounts. Transparency

  2. I agree with the fact that both parties in a relationship must feel and have a sense of importance. As a matter of fact u must be useful to urself before u can be useful to others.

    However when it comes to having a clause of breaking up when both parties feel they are not meant for each other again, that I strongly disagree with. Then where is the place of God, faith, sacrifice belief?

    It is not the intention for anything built by Jesus to be scatter.

    If both parties come to the relationship convincingly, have a sense of purpose and value, ready to sacrifice and compromise when the need be, then putting that clause won't be necessary.

    This clause thing appeals more to secular guys trying to build a relationship through natural principles only


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