A man wills more than half of his wealth to his last child before he died, will she be able to contain the wrath of her two elder sister …


  1. Honestly I believe husband and his chair man done something evil against wife cause they want husband to bring another wife to give him a male child and he refuses so they done something so that wife gets sick and die and now husband has no other choice but to bring another woman for a male child

  2. Beautiful movie. Sad for the parent's death's, but love knowing that they raised strong loving children that looks out for each other. We all pass through things in life, but to have someone close to strengthen you and put you back on the course of success is a blessing. Genuine Love ❤❤❤USA

  3. Greed never gotten anywhere and this movie depicted such in all honesty.
    Yes the elder sisters took their father's hard work and wasted it. As children they lived up to their parents expectations but changed in the twinkle ✨ of an eye.
    Hadn't for their father put in place specific instruction as to how they're to receive each share of the cash the two elder sister's decision after hearing about their portion would've been differnt.
    This movie open everyones insight into handling such huge unexpected cash flow regardless of how it's acquire. Unit would've caused the older sisters to spent and invest wisely for future return on investment. 👌


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