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  1. May God have mercy on us and continue to reveal himself more clearly to his children…. because nothing is more important than this….. our Eternity depends on this…. Christ the Son of God emphasized this…..

    John 17:3
    [3]And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

    There is a Council of God….. where only two people are present in that counsel…..
    Not three….. not One…..

    Zechariah 6:13
    [13]Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

    although there was a time when God was all by himself before he begat christ…..

    Psalms 2:7
    [7]I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

    This was the old testsment before christ was born on earth…. this was the day the father begat Christ……. and this day will forever remain a mystery until we meet them both in Glory…..

    John 1:18
    [18]No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

    Another verse to proof that Christ was BEGOTTEN of the father , so he wasn't always existing like the Father……

    It this Counsel of the ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD…. and his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON….. who is also Godlike too because of Genetics/nature/hereditary and also the father has also declared and commanded that he be worshipped as He is worshipped because he alone is worthy as he earned the position,that was been referred to in Genesis when the utterance of "LET US MAKE MAN" was made….. two people…. not Three……

    There is only One God….. and there is His Son……and both of them operate through their spirit which is the spirit of the father and the spirit of Christ at the same time…..


  2. What is the essential dimension vs the Existential dimension of a Goat or a Lion…. because they also have the breath of life……. the Bible says this……

    What is our essential dimension about…… what was we doing while we were still essential and not yet existential…… what is the point of talking about our essential nature if we don't even know what it entailed or what it really is…….

  3. If I want to agree with your context of water …… then even in the mode of Existence when breaking down the elements that make the compound/molecule called water….. you have 2 atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen…. so you have one that's more than the other…… one that is Greater than the other to get that combination to even manifest as either solid or liquid or gas …. if you add a single atom of oxygen to the formula of water to create or balance out the greatness of hydrogen over oxygen…. it's no longer water anymore……

    I guess Nature can indeed teach you about the Nature of our Father and His Son…..
    Even the Father is greater than all….

  4. The issue with the Water analysis tho is that….. you can heat up the Ice and it can become liquid and then continuous heating will turn it to Steam….. and you can freeze the liquid to become ice….
    But the Father can never be the Son and the Son can never be the Father…. but what's funny is that they can both operate through/with/in the spirit…… but that's something else on its own…..

    What this pastor is preaching is a form of TRINITARIANISM/TRITHEISM called MODALISM…… and blending it with Unitarianism…….

    And this can be troublesome

    May God continue to guide and teach us…..

  5. Omo this is not a day sermon to digest…

    Men dey oooo… Anytime i listen to Orokpo, i get more confuse, my knowledge scatter more… I know nothing… Kaiiii..

    Holy Spirit help me as you have help this Man….

  6. God bless you media team for always being on point. I would like to kindly suggest that the bible study title be uploaded along with the dates. This way, it is easier to search out the teachings and know what the teaching is about. Thank you so much! God bless you!


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