While Prince William did not bring his wife Kate Middleton to the 2024 EE BAFTA Film Awards, she was certainly on his mind.


  1. I have had abdominal surgery a few times and can say, that it is no easy task. I was hospitalized for 6 weeks and took the summer to recover from it. The surgery nearly killed me. They even brought people in to watch. They also filmed the whole operation. I had the surgery when there was only X-rays available to figure things out. The surgeon said that he hoped he would be able to help me. Which he did. They didn’t know what they would find when they got in there.

  2. This is the biggest bunch of bullshit we don’t even hear from him Prince William himself. This is someone who’s taking still pictures, put it on a slideshow and creating their own narrative
    give me a break. It’s a bunch of crap. Get a life

  3. Why can't everyone just leave her alone to heal? They asked for privacy, so give it to them. There are other royals that could step into the position. They are , they're living in their castles and taking the titles and the money , so let them step in and help prince william

  4. I hope Princess Catherine recovers from her surgery. We missed her presence and want to extend our prayers and support for her complete recovery. We await some encouraging news of her return to her husband and family as well.

  5. Anyone would be overwhelmed. His wife Catherine has a very serious surgery, then his dad gets diagnosed with cancer, and having a rift with his brother. Taking care of his children, plus, having to go to work? That's a lot for anyone, let alone in the public eye. Cut William some slack.

  6. There are many here in American that don't like or respect the English system of Monarchy. I am not like that. The Brits are our cousins and although we had our spat back in the 1770's we remain close and loyal allies (at least I do.) Our form of government (sans a King or Queen) is based on the Magna Carta and we should never forget that. I do feel for Prince William with what he has had to deal with in his life. He has virtually no privacy or anonymity and his life is lead in public. How many of us could handle such a burden? Yes, he's a Prince lives a life of elegance and luxury but that ain't all that it's cracked up to be as we say here in the States. So keep a stiff upper lip, William. "Heavy is the head that wears (or will wear) the Crown."


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