A long war on the Truth | The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, they must be divinely empowered- (John MacArthur).


  1. This is the bedrock scripture that explains why there must be a pre-trib rapture. 1st John 4:1-3 emphasizes the importance of Jesus Christ coming in the flesh. Doing so was the only way He could take upon Himself our sin when He died on the cross. But He also took something else upon Himself on the cross…God's WRATH…the WRATH we deserved for our sins. So when anyone teaches that the Church will again be subject to God's WRATH by going through the Tribulation, which is what the Tribulation is, they are saying that Jesus never dealt with our Wrath problem on the cross…they are in effect saying that Jesus Christ never came in the flesh. And where did John say that spirit comes from? The spirit of antichrist…the demonic. Once we understand this implication of this scripture, we can then also make sense of Paul's words to the Thessalonians when he wrote to them saying "You are NOT under WRATH".


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