Cameron Cole, Jackie Hill Perry, Glen Scrivener, and Stephen Um bring a variety of perspectives to the urgency of reaching …


  1. In relation to the article this video is embedded in, it is not narcissism and self doubt that keeps us millinenials from becoming Christians. It is your philosophy of following a book/practice/belief/faith that says being gay is wrong or that other people who believe differently than you are wrong. Religion is by nature divisive. A lot of millinenials don't want to be part of something that segments people based on their beliefs or who they decide to lay with. History is riddled with war, pain, and suffering because of some ancient belief structure. I don't speak for all millinenials but the people I'm around just want to be a humanist and love everyone regardless of what a book from thousands of years ago instructs us to do.

  2. “The gospel is rest, the gospel is letting Jesus carry the burdens in your life and the gospel is never having to impress anyone again” preach! 👏🏽👏🏽😊😊🙌🏽🙌🏽. Jackie, thanks for being on the panel

  3. "progressive christianity is very very dangerous b/c they dont know the distinction btwn biblical othodox christianity and a copted version that seems to assimilate and accomdate to what the baseline cultural narrative is." –stephen um, 29:05

  4. Why isn't television the bad guy anymore? All the social media and iPhone tech influence pales in comparison to what the decades of television has affectively turned brains to mush.

  5. The fact that a good number of conservative Christians (such as those who affiliate with TGC) voted for and continue to support Trump will be a stumbling block for many youths being reared in conservative Christian circles given the level of hypocrisy of those voters (i.e., parents). Conservative Christians, not unlike others, have sold out the Gospel for temporal gains and pursuits; in the case of conservative Christians, they have exchanged the Gospel for political power, “religious liberty”, or other expressions of self preservation—which is completely antithetical to Christ’s life and example of personal sacrifice. Just a thought.

  6. Jackie Hill Perry is an SJW propagandist and anyone who can't hear that in her talking points truly doesn't understand the sess pool that conference Christianity has become.

  7. I’d like to understand why a coalition that holds to complementarian views would even allow a woman to speak on a panel. That would imply you’re willing to learn something from her, therefore she’s teaching. Which they prohibit. Clarity, someone? Please and thanks, I’m genuinely curious.

  8. Listened to 5 minutes and thoroughly agree! We learned the hard way in past year and have been trying to communicate new approach to husband and friends…Will show them thus instead!

  9. 21:15 Stephen Um's two book recommendations
    1) The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure by Jonathan Haidt, Greg Lukianoff, et al.
    2) iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy–and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood–and What That Means for the Rest of Us by Jean Twenge

  10. Where's repentance in this? Where's being born again in this? Where's submission to the living God in this? I personally believe young people walk away when they leave school because they have lived and functioned by doctrines and church youth group programs and not been truly born again, born of the Spirit resulting in receiving new life on the inside in Christ and from Christ.

  11. Well Now There Is Manner, Of Interaction, Which Will Be Definite As, Reciprocal Action Or Influence, And Also Sometimes I Read Or Heard There A Kind Of Interrogation, Cross-questioning, Or Cross-Examination, Compulsion Which Will Be Definite As, The Action Or Process Of Forcing, Or Being Forced Another To Respond What One Want Read Or Heard, And This Person May Reply And Comment What, The Other Want To Heard, Or Read! However, In My Understanding Ain't A Communication Going On, Between Two Or More People, But A Compulsion!

  12. "It is the work of Christ that provides rescuing grace to overcome the penalty of sin, but it is the life of Christ that provides the rescuing grace to overcome the power of sin." – Pastor Stephen Um
    That distinction between the work and life of Christ and the reality of our UNION with Christ Jesus, right here and right now. Powerful.

  13. this panel was great in that it had very different type of people and thinkers and looked at things from different angles. I appreciated the different things each one said! We need more of these types of equipping! Thank you!


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