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  1. Blessings Brother! sorry I couldn't be there today, just starting to watch it, 2 minutes in, but please Brother, I really think you should stop apologizing for talking about what you should talk about as a Bible teacher and justify yourself that you are not a racist. From the moment I started watching your videos, I have never for once seen anything even remotely resembling something near racism even before knowing you are married to a black woman and have black kids.Even if you were married to a white woman like yourself, that would not have proven anything for crying out loud! my goodness! I have noticed it for sometime now that you keep on apologizing to these ignorant people whenever you have to rebuke a black person. If someone is a true born again this matter of groups of people/skin shades (what they call "races") should NEVER be a problem to them. If in 2024 people are still using it as an excuse to silence intimidate play the victim or manipulate the truth, that is a sign of a very big problem in their conversion. And this is simply manipulation to silence the truth. And no one can tell me that they cannot see that you are not a racist, it is written all over you Bro, even your accent, I may not be American but sometimes when you speak it sounds to me as if it's a black man who is talking! If I could detect that there is nothing racist about you why can't your fellow American citizens see that!?? Please Bro, stop apologizing to manipulators, and just preach what you have to preach. IT's too much. If people don't want to see it let them be and just do what you have to do please. Blessings!!!


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