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  2. are you actually claiming that a horny dumb teen is JUST AS MUCH AT FAULT as a dumb teen that intentionally tries to get pregnant to baby-trap the guy?

    so you are either dumb or lying.

    one is just beeing dumb, the other has intention. thats like saying a teen trying something dumb and causing a fatality is just as much at fault as someone going out to murder someone…

  3. "We were preventing it, with abstinence programs" abstinence only teaching leads to a rise in teen pregnancy, teenagers are going to do what they do whether you know it or not, the best thing to do is to teach them about safe sex and let them know that it's nothing to be ashamed of, a mixture of shame, abstinence only teaching, and inattentive parenting creates an environment in which most teen pregnancies happen

  4. The root problem is, conservatives want to shame sex outside of marriage, and teenager's sexuality in general, but they're also gonna want these girls to pop out babies like there's no tomorrow as soon as they're married, so they can't anything too realistic about pregnancy and babies. Hell, a lot of them would have no problems with this kind of situation as long as all the teens doubled down on the stupid decisions and got married. Yuck.

  5. Some of the things you think are illegal are not at all. Also giving condoms to a teen, how is that possibly a bad thing, are you against safe sex now. See schools in America, well worthwhile America ie not the south actually have pretty good sex education programs and offer condoms in schools like they should. I know in the UK, you guys seem to have an aversion to sex so sex Ed said there is probably very lacking and very prudish but despite what people think of America only the south is like
    , in that the north, we are very intelligent well educated.

  6. My teen pregnancy was a nightmare tbh. I was 17, had a 24yo "boyfriend" who was also my dealer (sidenote im sober now). I found out i was pregnant while he was in prison for yknow being a drug dealer, and a few weeks after i learned about my pregnancy i ended up having a miscarriage. Pregnancy can be dangerous and that should be talked about more. Theres a lot of risk involved.

  7. "Set against actual news reports". Never mind that the news reports were nothing but bad splash journalism with no basis in reality. You could make all sorts of ridiculous movies "set against actual news reports." The 1992 case of the Kellers, for instance. Plenty of news reports about their alleged ritual abuse of children, but just like the Gloucester "pregnancy pact", it was all bunk. This is next level irresponsible storytelling.

  8. If I may move tangentially to the case of the New Jersey "Prom Mom" momentarily, as an OB Nurse of many years I know how many, various colored, and copious fluids come out of Mother along with Baby. I do have to hand it to Melissa Drexler that she delivered her baby without getting anything on her dress 👗. Just sayin'.

  9. I'm confused about this whole free contraceptives thing… like, could the students not just walk into a grocery store and buy some condoms? Or if they're talking about birth control, I think you need to at least visit a doctor for that anyway, so I don't think a school could just hand those out?

  10. I feel like this movie SHOULD have been an admonishment of schools with abstinence only sex education programs, which are the leading cause of teen pregnancy in this country, but clearly the writers were conservative idiots, but I guess that's kind of redundant.

  11. As an advocate for educating young people about safe sex, the abstinence-only people infuriate me. It doesn’t work. It hasn’t worked for decades. These prudes think that they can force their morality and scare teens into non-compliance but guess what? Teens don’t like being told what to do and sometimes they will basically do the opposite just to spite you. The only thing keeping these programs alive is religious bullshit as usual. Abstinence only doesn’t work.

  12. My cousin was heavily brainwashed by her church. She said she wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible, at 15. I told her so many times that was a terrible idea, and that it would probaly ruin her life. She refused to listen and moved away a few months later. We fell out of contact and i dont know what happend to her.

  13. As a women who doesn't want kids, the movie comes across as incredibly sexist. While there's nothing wrong with someone wanting kids, the fact that they have all the teens want nothing more then to have kids and get pregnant comes across as misogynistic (the "I'm gonna cook them dinner every night" line especially comes across as especially sexist to me)

  14. I mean I remember some girls getting pregnant in high school on purpose, but that was to try and baby trap their partners or because they really wanted a baby. Never have I heard of a pact to all have babies

  15. I’m a teen who loves children (not in a weird way) but I don’t actually want to get pregnant, at least I’m not ready to considering I’m a teen. I might become a babysitter in the future but who knows.

    If you want a kid, wait until you’re mature enough to take care of one.

  16. I remember watching this a few months back. Not gunna lie I see what everyone thinks how this seems fake but I was in a friend group who talked about doing this. Everyone thinks the girls in this movie are idiots but my school has at least five students pregnant every year. Thankfully my friends did not do anything close to what they did but trust me they have done so much stupid things I’m shocked they haven’t come close to this.

  17. Please stop calling a "normal" headcahe for a migraine. They are not the same.
    Migraines is a neurological issue/event, NOT just a bad headache.
    I'm literally incapacitated during an episode & they last for days. My vision blurs out, it affects my speech & movements, i start slurring, dropping things & cant walk properly. I can't to anything bcs i WILL & throw up constantly. I can't even drink water.
    The torturous headache is just ONE symtom.
    I have to inject myself with the medication into my thigh to get any relief. Bcs if i try to take anything orally it will come straight back up.
    A few years ago i had sepsis & was moments away from going into septic shock. That comes nowhere near how bad I feel during a standard migraine episode.

  18. I remember this news story. Didn’t know this movie exists but I’m here more for this man’s comedic timing like damn I’m having a good time laughing like a 12 year old who heard somebody fart in a quiet classroom

  19. Not everyone from Massachusetts has an accent. I mean we all have accents but I don't sound any different than any of these people and if you spoke to me I doubt you'd be able to guess that I'm from Massachusetts. Unless I was speaking emphatically about something. when my emotions get up the Boston accent comes out


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