Step into the extraordinary session of Praise and Worship at Fearless Shekere; our first edition in the New Decade. This Present …


  1. Like King David, Pastor Rapu's blesses the heart of God by leading the congregation into corporate Praise and Worship. This is warfare for such a time as this. Jesus is LORD! HALLELUJAH! I Love this ministry.

  2. These days, all I do is plug my earphone and play shekere series at the highest volume, I'm at peace then and after..Joy comes as my worries are being driven away, I want an everlasting peace and I know I will surely get it

  3. HALLELUJAH There is peace healing wholeness deliverance and gladness dancing and worshipping our Lord God Almighty for his goodness and mercy. Thank you Jesus. Thank you pastor and team. God bless you all richly.

  4. I was shortlisted for a job I applied for two years ago after the UK C-19 locked down. After my virtual interview, I was told they would get back to me the next day. I later switch to praise mode using this Fearless Shekere video. Two days later, my phone rang, and I was informed that I had gotten the job because they just liked my smile. I was told that I made their day. He could only be God. I later discovered that HR receives fewer than 70 applications for the same job. You can pray amiss, but you can never praise amiss. More grace, Shekere crew and fresh anointing. πŸ’₯πŸ™πŸ€πŸ™Œ

  5. Thank you Jesus for victory, thank you for restoration, thank you for a better relationship with you, thank you for my relationship, thank you for my finances πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸŽ‰


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