1. This mess is why people (especially men) don't trust the church. We are in the spiritual "end game" here. There's no time for playing. People's souls are at stake. These men are "playing all up in God's face" 😡😡as well as ours. If they want to play, go play with one of those false gods. Long's friends go feed the church more bait (to string them along).

  2. The Holiness churches back decades a go, and 100 years a go were true to God word, and live it and walk it out., but now in the latter days in this 21 century there a falling away not standards any more. Mega churches and a Hollywood- more like devil wood is being release in these churches, abominations and lying spirits the doctrine of demons, 1 Timothy 4-1 and 2 Timothy 4.3. There strange fire in these churches today, and there not divine order either, America is in judgement now, with all the violence and discord in high places you wonder why we have changing weather patterns too ? Daniel 12.4 in the last days knowledge shall increase, and we are seeing all this in the natural as well. Stay focus on the lord Jesus Christ, him that sits on right hand of the Most High God The lord of Hosts.

  3. I ma trying to sort out this matter, seeing the kind of man I am, I really cant see how you are over 18 and let a man take advantage of you all that time. At no time, did they go to somebody in the church or outside the church and complain? Why did they keep going back with him on trips, etc.? Once he tried something, its on!!

  4. These people are "playing church", and now is not the time to be "playing church". Witchcraft, and demonic activity is on the rise. The sexual abuse is beyond demonic, so you all better it together, because Jesus is soon to return.

  5. Nope. Jesus is not given Jamal a second chance because he does not know those who love the world. Also, it's sooooo obvious Jamal is zesty! He's Shay Shay with a wife. Crazy! You can tell he has not fully read the bible, nor does he have understanding of what little he has read. He's just another pimp prophet for profit gimmick. I wish the zesties would leave black women out of their confusion and manipulations.

  6. If jamal had a prophecy over his life then he has not changed he is worse now than then. His blasphemy is far gone he’s has definitely got the spirit of his leader he supports LGBT and abortion now weeds planting in the church garden. He put God in a box and he states that Jesus did not reach his potential yet he has not reach no where in bible or in spiritual maturity he’s still drinking sour milk so he’s not growing at all so he’s the one that will never reach his potential there a time when God has left them up to their own reprobate minds REPENT jamal bryant before it’s too late

  7. I really really did enjoy your Video it’s now 1-31-2024 and I often say IF THE HEAD IS NOT RIGHT THEN THE BODY WANT BE RIGHT and I agree with you these pastor’s Need to be held accountable for what they have done to God’s people

  8. LORD DO YOU SEE THIS 👀👀👀 LORD WHAT TONGUE WAS SHE SPEAKING👀👀everything about this was against scripture👀👀👀I feel bad for the people that only listen/obey man- and don’t read their bible, but when a person doesn’t know God or scripture they will believe this trash!!!

  9. The Prophet Nathan swas sent by God to bring a strong warning to David, which caused him to repent and say, " it's you Oh Lord I've done this evil in your sight. Godly sorrowis what leads to repentance. I believe Eddie Long, Jamal Bryant would.reoent before God & the congregation, have they already been turned over to strong delusion.? Or a reprobate mind? Lord, if there's still a chance for Jamal Bryant and these other Pastors that allegations are being brought to the light, help them repent before it's too late.

  10. I don't believe Bishop Long started off as a bad leader. I think what Bishop Long did to others was done to him. The devil often waits until you are successful, influential and powerful before he strikes. The devil waited until Jesus was a household name before he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. Jamal Bryant is an opportunist and has loyalty to no one but himself.

  11. You know if this dtory was true. Ehy did not the big book come take on their books. I been hurt my daughter got mess eith in church she forgave the leader snd found snother church. I can still smell his prrfume. Snd his voices in my head. Bull. I am sorry. All three of these guys should have left change number and moved to another city. Snd then wanted to make money off of it come on. Typo story

  12. Sometimes been in leadership. Is hard. Do I believe that Bishop mess with those guys I do not know. But if it eas me I eould have left and never look back Now here is the thing people can make God's out of these keader. Just like Bishop Jakes got caught up in the mess. And look what happened to him . RIP Bishop Gid onows the truth

  13. Are you a leader? I am an Apostle no where in the bible that Gid sends s judgement like this in the church. God is a God that foes not expose people. For one ATL is a same srx dtates. Rvery where you look its same sex. The bible slso says lay hands on man fast. But the black churchs live to go every dunday and get the preach to lay hands on you. Spirit jumps on people. I am a eoman of the cloth and I will not talk nor listen to this rubbish . Because how many times fid you oray for this man ? You can get mad but I was called by God not by man. God appears to me and oay hands on me. Its wrrong

  14. Jen-rm4gx thats WRONG and unbiblical. You speak in haste and in ignorance not knowing the Scriptures:

    "How 👀 then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how 👀 shall they believe in Him of Whom they have not heard? and how😮 shall they hear WITHOUT a PREACHER?"

    Romans 10:14

    " He (Jesus) that descended is the Same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things.) And He gave some, APOSTLES; and some, PROPHETS; and some, EVANGELISTS; and some, PASTORS and ➡️TEACHERS 👀; for the perfecting (maturing) of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:"

    Ephesians 4:10‭-‬12

    " For when for the time you'll ought to be teachers, you HAVE NEED that ONE TEACH you AGAIN which be the FIRST principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat."

    Hebrews 5:12

    God our Father teaches things directly and He ALSO uses man as our TEACHERS to instruct the body of Christ.

    Be aware and mindful before you go saying things that are not DOCTRINALLY SOUND OR UNBIBLICAL. Otherwise it's FALSE doctrine even tho it sounds good but not really TRUTH.

  15. To the Jamal Bryant prophecy it is twofold. 1.) there indeed is principality over that city where his church resides. The people of these mega churches ⛪️ especially in that area are much like the Laodicean church in the book of revelations. Look at William Murphys church is there no one in the congregation willing to take a stand on the conviction of righteousness? 2.) Jamal need’s deliverance he can’t preach what he has not yet ascertained. It’s not because the Lord does not desire to give it to him—as we hear this woman saying. He just doesn’t want to strip away himself and become subject to the good and perfect will of the Lord.

  16. If these were prophets which we don't have in this time, but if men who studied the scriptures and the Most High could trust, they would go to those men as the scripture say and give the truth from scripture, and if not, take another brother with him, and if not then come before the congregation and expose the wrong. All these men do is pacify each other to keep the money coming from us gullible, desperate people, wanting so to hear from The Most High. These men are un-regenerate bastards, preying off of us, (not me now,) because I began to see the deception, I got out and The Most High has really opened my understanding through His scriptures. (These women are truly out of place.)

  17. Hell is getting bigger by the day wake-up people before it's to late repent an seek God almighty before it to late repent an seek God almighty before it to late repent an seek God almighty before it to late

  18. The Spirit that was on Eddie Long is still Lingering in that building. Until they "Denounce, Rebuke, BIND up & Cast it N2 the Abyss…it will continue to release Death & Destruction in that place. They never Cleared them Semons out, didn't Consecrate the Alter, or anything. This needs to be done

  19. They gotta stop this bs🤢🤮this is very disturbing all these preachers are this way it’s crazy and whatever it is that she speaking is not in tongues because that’s not what the Bible says, & she sound like a damn man. She has absolutely NO power😲🙄

  20. Yes sis You're oh It. There's nothing godly going on there. Please keep this coming!!!!!!!!!! Blessings. I would love to be on your podcast love. ALOT TO TALK ABOUT PARTNER Johnny as well we will burn that confusion Uppppp. Not saying I'm perfect I'm not going to any church don't need to right now. Relationship with God YAHSHUA is all people need. Let's Connect ☺️☺️☺️


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