Bishop T.D. Jake Officially Arrested After His Son… The dramatic saga surrounding Bishop T.D. Jacques takes a shocking turn as …


  1. He will be arrested soon 2024 will be a down Fall for false prophet and bishops the curtains of life has been raised now we all going to see the hands of God 🙏🙌❤️ if you are doing wrong and you know you are doing wrong it's time to get it right to God be the Glory❤ 🙏 🙌🙏❤️

  2. Acts 2:38 is still God's plan of salvation. It cannot be taken away. No man-made way can take the place of it.

    All scriptures on the subject have to harmonize together.

    We can't pick and choose which scriptures we like or dislike.

    Mark 16:16, John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-5, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12, 1 Peter 3:21, all count for the truth of his plan. They all harmonize!!!!!!

    Today man tries to use Romans 10:9 and run with it not reading the first verse to see who Paul was talking about. Israel! If he was talking to the church, it wouldn't make any sense being that the church was already filled with saved people who were already a part of the church.

    1 Corinthians 12:13, For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

    We are saved by grace. That means by the goodness of God he set up a plan of salvation, and we didn't have to do anything for him to do it. But salvation is not automatically applied. It must be obtained by obeying the salvation scriptures above. Believing and Obeying!

    Something to think about before you cross over to the other side.

    1 Corinthians 14:33, God is not the author of confusion. Now if God is not the author of confusion, then where did all these different religions and churches come from with different doctrines which brings confusion? It can't be by God. Ephesians 1:4, God told us to be Holy.

    Being that eternity is so long, doesn't it make good sense to check out what you believe and compare it to the word of God?

    Eternity is way too long to leave here and be wrong. Think about it!!!!!!!

  3. I personally have fought my own td jakes issues for about a decade. Here are a few reasons:
    * His vulgar criticism of women while preaching. ('their long skirts dropped by their ankels')
    *He rarely criticized men, which is rare coming from a male Preacher.
    *His "fits about his short temper" surface often in his preaching… Displaying a lack of control.
    *His veiled sexual comments always made me extremely uncomfortable.
    In essence, there's a pattern of inappropriate behaviors mixed in with his charismatic Biblical behaviors. However, as a language Educator I tend to listen to people very carefully, and as a Christian woman I also listen to others with some degree of Discernment… Yet, I always gave td jakes the benefit of the doubt because I also live in this imperfect vessel of flesh.
    Finally, his acceptance of people's veneration while standing on the alter ALWAYS bothered me. His lack of humility, oversized ego, and Flamboyancy were the red flags I excused… 📌Still, I love him as a fellow imperfect being and as a Pastor … The crux of this issue was his lack of transparency… Although in recent years he has carefully spoken up about the gay community… Perhaps, this was his way of coming out, but diplomatically, and with some semblance of protocol. Nevertheless, we MUST pray for his victims.💔

  4. Some folks just love to see fall folks so then they can share their opinions… Until You. Yourselves fall, then you want folks to mind there own business. . Just a bunch of Hypocrites. How many of you can Cast any stones at anyone other than yourselves??? Not very many… If at all.

  5. Love you Bishop Jakes,our human nature gets the best of us all.. being so young when u started your walk caused you to be soft on the youth of this world 🌎.. remember who you are we all fall… im here stand on the Word of God …. witches n warlocks are real BUT GOD….LOVE U…


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