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  1. Last year I want to enter the tech world, I started but there was this discontentment so I prayed and the Lord spoke to me clear from heaven that I should abandon my plans and focus on the gospel. After then it was like heaven was open and supernatural encounters started funny thing I pray for my purpose for about 3 years before then. I’m so very grateful I obeyed God

  2. Oh wow 🙌🙌
    I'm really blessed, thank you so much pastor Iren,

    I have a question I am a christian by God's grace,So most of the times I usually have dreams seeing myself singing and leading the people of God with new songs of the spirit and I literally feel the atmosphere of God in those dreams, and when I wake up I even remember the lines and choruses of those songs, does that mean God has been trying to communicate something to me? or what does it really mean?

  3. Thank You Pastry! This is timely for me. Sometimes last year, I would just wake up in the middle of the night and hear, Teach my Word, this went on for many days. You came to Akwa-Ibom for Apostolic invasion and the first thing you mentioned was about a young man who has "a work" here. On the last day, you only came into the audience twice, to prophesy to a man named Paul, you said his name started with "P", you called him precious but corrected yourself by the Spirit saying it starts with P. The second time you move into the audience was to lay hands on me. Fee months later, I saw you in a dream, you were selling mattresses, I wanted to buy the biggest one but you said it would cost 5,000naira and I only had 3,000 in the dream. I took that saying to myself, there is more to be done before the launch. I heard "get down to Lagos and teach the Word after a period of enquiry " and I kept wondering, how many men of God are in Lagos already doing God's work and rightly teaching the Scriptures. I eventually got into Lagos, started teaching on a monthly basis discipling others. In August this year, everything around me was screaming, "launch!". I have been reluctant and I got the notification of this Video! I was scared and I watched over and over, pausing as I watched. I trust God to launch, I have counted many things as dungs but I pray and I have decided I would align. Thank You for sharing Sir. God continues to Increase You.

  4. The part of God speaking through same dream several times is so profound. I never knew this. But it happened to me this year on such a sensitize matter. For three days in a row i dreamt the same dream. On the third morning i literally woke up crying and filled with the emotions from the dream, ran to my fiancee's place and pleaded profusely that we needed to pray. But deep down i knew God had spoken because i had been having nudges and it wasnt an issue of praying against but a difficult decision we had to make. For months i cried and rebuked it, begging God to change his mind. Its the most heartbreaking decision i have ever had to make.

  5. I've Experienced Such Decision Making In My Vision, Some People Will Surely Come In Each Phase To Discourage Someone. What Must Be Known Is That "Vision Is Individualistic" And Everyone Will Answer To God For It In Heaven.
    More Grace Sir. I'm Blessed 🔥🔥🔥

  6. Yes pastor, i had these experience three years ago i was led to leave the house i used to stay, He asked me to move despite my persistency in trying to stay back. I finally moved.

    Late last year the same time i was shown a lot of things about someone i should be walking with and serving under but the trauma from the wrong decisions i made in a bid to help the vision😂 has been difficult to let go.

    Now am dealing with accepting even Gods will for marriage but am growing into it by the grace of God.

    I remember always telling him the man is too good for me.

    And after showing what we are to work together and i was still reluctant and He told me He would replace me and in ny dreams i watch how all that was given to me by God were being taken.

    Thank God for His mercy they were returned.

    One of the reasons i didn't want to watch the video is because of the caption i saw, because it reminds me of my experience.😂

    But am okay now😊

    He keeps leading.
    This video helped a lot , still learning as a babe in christ😊

  7. Yes man of God This blessed my life, to hear again do what the Lord has given me to do don’t look for everyone to understand and don’t look for it to look like everyone else, continue to look to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. God is mighty who promised and He won’t fail. Praise God.❤

  8. God told me last year to start a move for young girls and teenagers generally, I was scared because I'm still a student. I remember crying so much that day and I was sure God spoke because he has been saying it for a while. I got up and started praying and making preparations. We had the program and God did great things from the start to the finish. It's still called Bring Back Our Girls To Christ Campaign. The name itself that God gave me,there were so many questions people asked but God did his thing still

  9. The Lord has been telling me consistently to go and preach in some villages but my job and some little needs as held me back

    The voice has been consistent even before I got the job in Ilorin

    I need help Lord 🙏

  10. The difficult decision I had to make was definitely when God told me to close my business and start something that was faith-based. I cried when I got the confirmation and clarity about it at Deeper, Lagos. It didn’t make sense cause I was doing so well. But God knows better than me. So, I trust Him.

  11. Mine sounds confusing but I found peace. First is my strange election into the fivefold after running for years and after 3 years of running ministry work and I am now settling, He said it's time to move to what I called you for and that is scary, I consulted with my wife and few men of God, I delayed but only to say yes to God on this second move as it is unpopular "The AfriOne Mandate Of Rest", but after watching this video, you've reaffirmed a lot. Thank you, Dr. Emmanuel. I celebrate you, sir.

  12. Thank you Pastey❤
    Mine has to do with studying a career choice.
    I have something different in mind although not as job lucrative like the ones my family members what.
    And so im confused and to make a decision
    My prayer point: God please open my eyes that i understand why you want me to study this course if truly thats what you want me to do.

  13. Thank you Apostle Pastey for this 😊
    Difficult decision I'd to make, hmmm. My parents wanted me to japa & earn a living & gradually move my sibling's over too. But at this point I already knew that God wanted me to preach the gospel in Nigeria, in Africa & to the ends of the end. So i knew obeying my parents wishes was going against God's agenda. After a few years when they became more serious about it, I prayed & God's vision for my life was stronger in my heart than any other thing. A day came i had a discussion with my parents & I told them, I'm not japa-ing, & I want to preach God's word & yes, it was hard on them but like Hannah gave Samuel sacrificially, so they did let me go and preach & never brought the issue of Japa to me again & have been praying for my ministry. Glory to GOD

  14. Hi good evening sir. Could you please make a video on struggling Christians? I want to do things right by God but then, I am constantly failing at times. And then I am afraid because I don't want to be religious. I don't want to open my Bible just to get it over with. This is my second year as a Christian and I want to give myself excuses but I also want to be honest. I remember having encounters with God, infact that was how I was drawn into God until somehow somewhere, it stopped. I don't know when but for a while now, I am combating religion. Call this a rant post sef😂


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