Pastor Kumuyi Shocks Many, Stop Giving All Your Money To Church Projects, Rev Esiri, Israel Oladele. There are many things …


  1. It's when their gallons are full n running over thru deception teachings of their past is when they start coming out to clear the air " they all need to sell their loots and share with the poor n repent n pick up their cross n start teaching teachings that are NOT DILUTED by their man's traditions

  2. 😂Jesus is the Lord and every true servant of God will proclaim what Dr P astor kumuyi is proclaiming. He has always been a worthy ambassadors of the Lord Jesus, worthy of emulation by all heavenly pilgrims.

  3. Hmm! I weep for the church in Nigeria 🇳🇬. After leading people astray for decades… people's destiny's have being wasted not doing the right thing…. Well better late than never… chai! These preachers have had their lives blessed for decades at the expense of the poor and needy in their midst… they have acquired much and are still acquiring… Well thank God it is coming from him pst. Kumuyi.

  4. Christians are very 'wonderful' people, in fact, humans generally.

    While I see a humble man, who despite his age in life and ministry, his Fatherhood status and track record, still humbled himself as a servant of God to correct what he has always practised. At his age, he is still learning, relearning and unlearning. This is the height of humility

    However, what many are saying is 'why didn't he say it in his teens in ministry'. Really? Thus, you have concluded that he knew he was wrong since his teenage years in ministry and decided to wait and hide the truth tull he has grown past 80years. Interesting

    I love Papa Kumuyi because as the Holy Spirit corrects his, he comes out and airs it without conferring wit flesh and blood. And when God asks him, he can give account that he corrected it without your opinion. I also love him because he doesn't have time to reply anyone who queries his response to his leading by the Spirit.

    Let thin that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he falls. Selah

  5. Sometimes in my life, i lost my Job and could not afford rent. My dearly beloved pastor took us in and gave us a lovely room by the gate( That was the best thing that happen to us at that moment).

    We lived there and saw Church member bring gift to pastor. I and my wife did the job of the gate man. No body ever asked us how we are doing… Know that its strange for a family man to live in such a room. My pastor everyday made sure we have meal.

    The reason for the story is that i have learnt from that event of my life. I pay attention to details in church and my neighbour hood to pick signal from the holy spirit on who to support from the little i have.

    500 Naira was like a million. 1500 was a pot of soup…. Till date i wont forget that leason.

    People live around us in umcompleted buildings and we drive pass them with 10Million in the account. All they meed is 1liter of red oil with and 500 Naira. That how small they need to give thanks to Jesus….

    My reader may not understand.

    May God help us all

  6. Those because they are rich look down on the poor, they should know that it is God who gives power to get wealth (Deut. 8:18). They are to use the wealth to advance His kingdom on earth, and will include helping the poor!
    To the mega churches, they should always remind themselves that God sees the innermost part of the heart (Psalm 51:6). They should therefore not be deceived as God is not mocked and whatever a man sows, that he will also reap (Gal. 6:7).

  7. 😂😂they raise money(seed,sacrifice etc) in Love world like its an auction!! I was shocked!!."the lord is looking for someone with $1000,$1000 cmon,$1000. Now $2500," the money just kept going up i was astounded 😅😅.
    You cannot collect the little thats barely enuf for sm1 and expect it to bless you..

    Bible says the lord loves a cheerful giver,people in poverty are not giving out of cheerfulness !! Its coming from their pain!! That kind of money cannot prosper you.. oh pastors😢..Give to ceaser what is ceaser how different are our pastors now from ceaser??
    Ceaser doesnt care if you're barely surviving oh he wants what he wants..Na so our pastors don joinam😢😢😢

  8. He is so right but I also believe that we cannot wait for December period to do such charitable work.

    The poor are always with us from January to December and as such should continue to be there for them all the time 🙏

  9. I thank the Lord, the God of heaven and of the earth, who touched our beloved spiritual father and mentor to deliver such a moving message. We have silver and gold.

    I can recall that that's the reason why many years ago, God moved that same man of God to introduce the House Caring Fellowship HCF. The HCF soon became not only a powerful tool for evangelism, but the long arm of love that discover and reach out to the poor and needy in the society.

    In less than ten years, that spirit inspired outreach became a great financial burden to the church. The complaints were that we can not leave foreign and home missions to serve tables.

    Therefore the c for caring was expunged from the home caring fellowship leaving in to what it is today known and referred to, the house fellowship or HF.

    Shall we honestly say I am looking for the poor, needy and hungry? Are they not littering our churches and house fellowships?

    What Nigerian can say show me the hungry and the needy. Come out of your gate and call out and they will descend in their thousands and millions.

    What I am simply advocating here is, let these heart warming words turn to positive actions for words are cheap but action speaks louder than words.

    Preaching indeed are served in words. But it's the action of love and faith that justify the preaching. Let everyone who applaud the message put it in action.


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