I don’t want to depend on people; I want to depend on Jesus because Jesus never fails. Reinhard Bonnke tells the story of how …


  1. Reinhard, you changed – years ago – my life forever! I have never seen before a christian being so full of passion and love for the lost and walking with Jesus as he would "really exist". Thank you for your passion and love for the Lord! You will be forever in my heart and you led me in another level of succession! May the multiplication of many new "Reinhards" go on to reach the lost for our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!!!!!

  2. Blessings many Blessings in Heaven Angel of God your work in the world especially in Africa so beautiful you touch many souls In Jesus Precious Name you fed many in Africa the hunger they experience Precious Jesus sent you there for your light to shine especially in Africa Bless you angel I really believe you wearing your crown.


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