We are an interdenominational and non-denominational international Ministry to the body of Christ with the mandate of restoring …


  1. It's obvious Apostle has a seal of the teaching anointing, the way he connects scriptures it's amazing 😍 sometimes you wonder how certain scriptures connect with the topic untill he begin to do surgery on them😂 God bless you our father ❤️

  2. Praise God!!!
    Apostle Sir, i am very elated when you shared with us this evening that God has granted you long life. Sir, i am not writing this to gain attention rather it has been my heart cry to God for Him to keep you here till old age cos each time i hear you say tou are ready to die😊, it pierce my heart. truly this generation needs you Sir. BTW, i couldn't follow the service live this evening. I am doing a replay.
    My heart is at rest now.

    Glory to God

    Congratulations Sir.

  3. Your life brings high commendation to authentic Christians globally & to the world. Your humility ensures Jesus Christ is the One & Only superstar. May you continue to give God all the glory by His grace & keep none for yourself. The called… The justified… God glorifies.

    Thank you my Kingdom Father. Thank you also to Queen Mother Rev. Dina 🙏🏾

  4. Honestly, this message is so full of revelations as a result of years of being cooked in God’s kitchen. Apostle Arome doesn’t try to hide anything. I am grateful to God for him. 🙏🏽 Thank you.

  5. Father lord your children has come before you. Father we asked for your mercy and we asked for complete deliverance of me, my children, my family, my loved ones especially, my siblings, we are disconnected from the grave ooh lord grant us total deliverance and redemption in Jesus Christ name Amen

  6. May the Lord be praised, hearing and staying under your teaching has shaped and transform my life and belief system for decades now. I'll follow through. More grace and insight with divine enablement and utterance to be able to communicate unto us the mystery that the Lord has revealed to you papa❤❤❤❤❤


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